tags: Press Releases

Vanessa Cárdenas Previews Stakes of DACA Hearing at Fifth Circuit

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Watch recording of yesterday’s press briefing ahead of DACA hearing in Fifth Circuit HERE

Washington, DC — On Thursday, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans is scheduled to hold a hearing on the case targeting DACA (Texas v. United States). This is the latest step in a years-long Republican effort to kill the successful program that started more than a dozen years ago. DACA protects people who were brought to the United States as children and are undocumented from deportation and allows them to work on condition of a two-year renewable application and background check. Research shows DACA benefits both the recipients and other Americans, as this Brookings Institution study recaps.

The following is a statement from Vanessa Cárdenas, Executive Director, America’s Voice:

“We all should be clear-eyed about who and what is at stake in the DACA case. It goes beyond immigration policy and law and straight to the question of what type of country we aspire to. Hundreds of thousands of Dreamers have relied on DACA to become, quite literally, the embodiment of the American Dream.

DACA recipients are deeply rooted in their communities and families; they are doctors, teachers, and nurses; they are our neighbors, co-workers, and friends. On average, those with DACA have lived in the US for 25 years and they follow a process in which they renew their criminal background checks and expensive paperwork every two years. 

This is who Donald Trump and his allies are targeting and want to round up and deport. The GOP’s endless effort to end the popular and successful DACA program while blocking legislation that would offer Dreamers a way to become full U.S. citizens says a lot about the Republican Party of 2024. It’s part of a cynical and cruel effort to ensure as many people as possible are deportable if and when Trump takes office and when the elements of Project 2025 and his mass deportation threats begin to be carried out. 

This is what’s at stake in both the Fifth Circuit on Thursday and the outcome of the 2024 elections.”

Also watch the recording of yesterday’s press briefing, hosted by America’s Voice, “Experts Discuss Developments in Family Separation Lawsuits Around DACA.”

Tomorrow in New Orleans at the Fifth Circuit Courthouse, events will be held with impacted Dreamers and advocates at approximately 11 am (CT/ local time). Contact press@homeishere.us for more information.