In response to the Senate’s confirmation of Jeff Sessions as U.S. Attorney General, Deputy Director of America’s Voice Education Fund Lynn Tramonte issued the following statement:
“The news that Jeff Sessions will be our nation’s Attorney General means that the Trump Administration is now even more tied to a radical worldview hostile to all types of immigration and opposed to the changing demographics of America.
Sessions’ influence and fingerprints are already all over the immigration executive orders that have led to chaos and heartlessness of the past weeks. Now, he is set to play an even larger role in the ongoing battles over the current executive orders, the direction and implementation of future executive orders, and battles over the future of DREAMers and the DACA program. This should be a disturbing prospect for the vast majority of Americans who recognize the contributions of immigrants to our nation and support legalizing, rather than deporting, most undocumented immigrants.
From the immigration executive order that lays out a blueprint for the mass deportation of millions, to the cruel and unconstitutional Muslim and refugee ban, the Trump presidency already is advancing the longstanding beliefs of Jeff Sessions and doing violence to America’s interests and best traditions in the process. Those who voted for Sessions will now own everything he ends up doing.”