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Jared Kushner’s 2020 Resolutions: Raid Billions More from Military Funding and Seize Private Land to Build Stupid Border Wall

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A Washington Post story –  “Trump administration plans to announce 100-mile mark on border wall construction” – highlights how team Trump is crowing about conservative courts giving a green light to their border wall obsession. 

But Trump triumphalism aside, the Post story also included a disturbing detail that jumped out at us – the news that Jared Kushner and others in the Trump administration are gearing up to, once again, raid appropriated military budgets to steal billions of dollars for wall funding that was not authorized by Congress. As the Post reports: 

Kushner and other administration officials have discussed the possibility of diverting billions of dollars from military budgets again this year, and the ruling by the appeals court opens a path for the White House to take that course.

The following is a statement from Pili Tobar, Deputy Director of America’s Voice:

In 2019, a majority of the Senate and the House voted to overturn Trump’s fake emergency declaration used to raid military budgets to advance his border wall obsession. Now, Jared Kushner and the rest of the Trump family are re-doubling efforts for 2020, just in time for the Presidential election and despite the will of Congress, the separation of powers, and the sheer fact that the entire asinine border wall debate is about Trump’s fragile ego and politics. 

Apparently, Jared Kushner’s 2020 resolutions include not just seizing private property from pissed off Texas landowners, but cheating the United States military, ignoring the will of the public and the role of Congress. All in pursuit of an unpopular, ineffective and racist border wall obsession.