With Senator Bob Menendez (D-NJ) in the news, the following is a statement from Frank Sharry, Executive Director of America’s Voice:
“Senator Bob Menendez is a leader who I have worked with on immigration reform for over a decade. I know him well and love him dearly. He has been a tireless fighter for immigrants and immigration reform. He has been relentless and effective. He was a key member of the Senate ‘Gang of 8’ who birthed the comprehensive immigration reform bill that passed in 2013 on a bipartisan basis by a whopping vote of 68-32. He has consistently fought for an achievable path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, for the speedy reunification of families separated by our outdated immigration system and for the immigrants to be treated fairly in immigration proceedings. He has courageously stood up for those marginalized by political system and dehumanized by a nasty streak of nativism in American society. And he is a major reason why Dreamers won relief under DACA, why some 5 million undocumented immigrants are on the verge of living without fear in the country they now call home, and why comprehensive immigration reform is an idea whose time has come for some three quarters of the American public.
“My fervent hope is that Senator Menendez emerges from the current troubles stronger than ever. For he is not only the senior Senator for New Jersey; he is also the senior Senator for Latinos in America.”