tags: Press Releases

Florida Immigrant Entrepreneurs Call on Congress to Do Its Job and Pass Immigration Reform

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“Do Your Jobs” Campaign Continues with Direct Calls to Action from Local Immigrant Workers and Business Owners

Washington, DC – Last month, we kicked off the “Do Your Jobs” campaign by attempting to deliver immigrant-processed turkeys and merlot wine to Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) and other House leadership offices.  The goal of the effort, organized by America’s Voice, United Farm Workers, United Food and Commercial Workers, Mi Familia Vota, and AFL-CIO, was to remind Republican leaders of the important work immigrants do every day so that they can enjoy holidays with their loved ones.  In exchange, we asked House Republicans to take 15 minutes out of their busy vacation schedules and schedule a vote on a path to citizenship for the 11 million immigrants who aspire to be Americans.

Unfortunately, we had doors locked in our faces.  But we’re continuing the campaign to showcase how hard many Americans work every day, in contrast to our “leaders” in Congress who are holding up action on immigration reform.  As the House prepares to work its final days of 2013, we’re continuing to highlight real people who do their jobs every day, and only want their leaders in Congress to do the same.

In our latest profile, we’re lifting up brothers Alo and Fredy, two immigrant entrepreneurs in Miami, FL. View our graphic and our blog post here.

Last year, the brothers started a company called TV Head Clothing in Miami, Florida, where they produce eco-friendly clothing and accessories.  They use salvaged elements such as wood, vegetable-tanned leather, and bamboo to create unique designs that are environmentally sound.

“Being socially conscious and using the earth’s resources responsibly is only one of our priorities at TV Head Clothing.  It doesn’t stop there.  We know that we have a duty to society and the people around us, which is why we want to see immigration reform passed,” Fredy said.

Immigrant entrepreneurs like Alo and Fredy are a crucial part of the American economy.  Warner Brothers, Anheuser Busch, Google, and AT&T are just a few of the many major American companies that were started by immigrant entrepreneurs.  Immigrants or their children founded more than 40 percent of Fortune 500 companies, and in 2011, immigrants were more than twice as likely as Americans to start new businesses.

“Our local and national economies can benefit from immigration reform,” said Alo.  “Passing immigration reform and giving others the opportunities that we were given would help to create more jobs, and help build our country’s infrastructure.”

Alo and Fredy are working hard to run their business and grow our nation’s economy.  They worked long hours to get their business off the ground and continue to work hard each day to build their company.

Alo and Fredy are doing their job.  Congress, why aren’t you doing yours?