tags: Press Releases

America’s Voice on Senate Passage of the Inflation Reduction Act Without Anti-Immigrant GOP Amendments

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“Democrats stood in lockstep against GOP obstructionism and nativism” – Vanessa Cárdenas

Washington, DC – Statement by Vanessa Cárdenas, Deputy Director of America’s Voice, upon Senate passage of the Inflation Reduction Act:

“Congratulations are in order to Democratic Senators for approving a historic bill that will make a difference in people’s lives and reduce inflation. It also shows that when Democrats stand united they are able to deliver big for the American people. Predictably, Republican Senators not only failed to support this inflation-reduction legislation but actively sought to insert poison pills on immigration and other issues. Yet, Democrats stood in lockstep against GOP obstructionism and nativism. We thank Senator Bob Menendez of New Jersey and Senator Alex Padilla of California for holding the line and standing up for our communities. Now, it is up to the House to approve this bill and send it on to President Biden’s desk for his signature.“