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America’s Voice Launches Bilingual Campaign Targeting 10 Battleground Congressional Districts and Anti-Immigrant Extremism

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Washington, DC — Ahead of what will be a critical election that will shape the future of immigration policy, America’s Voice, along with national partners Voto Latino, Mi Familia Vota, and Votar es Poder PAC is launching a bilingual campaign to fight back against dangerous anti-immigrant extremism that threatens not only immigrant communities but public safety and democracy.

The “Dime Con Quién Andas” (Show Me Your Friends in English, or DIME for short) campaign takes its name from a common saying in Spanish, show me who you are friends with and I will show you who you are (dime con quién andas, y te diré quién eres). Republican candidates, even if  they portray themselves as moderates on immigration in their campaigns, have a responsibility to forcefully condemn rhetoric pushed by their Republican friends who’ve fully embraced hateful conspiracy theories that have led to violence towards immigrant communities and their allies and answer where they stand on the single most consequential 2024 immigration topic: Donald Trump’s proposed unsparing mass deportations.

The campaign, led by America’s Voice and first ran during the 2022 midterm elections, will collaborate with organizations in key battleground states like Texas, California, and Arizona. Its goal is to combat extremism by educating voters about the candidates’ connections to party leaders who fail to denounce the dangers of extremism and mass deportation plans.

Visit our website for more about our campaign as well as a list of key candidates the campaign will target at www.showmeyourfriends.org

According to Mario Carrillo, Campaigns Director of America’s Voice:

“Republican leadership, including former President Trump, continues pushing the reckless and dangerous idea that people seeking safety in America constitute an “invasion” as part of a plot to replace white people. This lie has led to violence. The terrorists who committed mass murder against Jews at a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Latinos at a Walmart in El Paso, and Black people in Buffalo all did so, citing this “invasion” rhetoric, much like we’ve heard Republicans promote as well.

Former President Trump has also made clear that a major policy for a second administration is the biggest deportation force our country has ever seen. We want each of these candidates to answer the question if they support deportation forces going through their districts, going door to door destroying families and communities.

While some Republicans want to cast themselves as moderates to the voters in their congressional races, those same candidates are taking party and leadership money and will support the party and leadership if elected, so they are part of the apparatus that will execute mass deportation if they win the White House or try to block progress on immigration reform if they lose the White House. We hope this campaign shines a spotlight on the dangers of extremist rhetoric if it goes unchecked. No Republican should be allowed to avoid answering to the violence their party’s rhetoric incites. And if they fail to denounce the dangerous conspiracies, they are also complicit in the consequences of it.”

According to Hector Sanchez, President of Mi Familia Vota:

“In life, as in politics, we know we can judge people by who they align themselves with. Latinos see what MAGA extremists stand for, and they know who they are standing with. Now more than ever, we must educate our community about what politicians stand for and hold them accountable to the policy priorities of the Latino community. This cycle Mi Familia Vota is asking a simple question, Dime Con Quién Andas, and we are saying ya Basta to MAGA extremists and those who they align themselves with.”

Yadira Sanchez, executive director of Poder Latinx, added that:

“We are deeply outraged and concerned by the stance taken by Republicans, whose close ties to Donald Trump perpetuate his dangerous lies about immigrants. This approach fails to address the real issues at hand and also perpetuates division and fear, creating an atmosphere of hostility and uncertainty for countless families.  Together with our partners and community, we are committed to exposing these connections and making it clear that Latinx and immigrants will not tolerate this damaging rhetoric and xenophobic policies. We stand united to advocate for humane and effective immigration reforms, rejecting the deceitful and destructive agenda being pushed by these Republicans.”

The Dime Con Quién Andas/Show Me Your Friends campaign will call on candidates to speak out against the dangers that this rhetoric creates not only for immigrant communities but for all of us. Below is a list of the key candidates our campaign will focus on and those friends they choose to keep company with.

The Candidates:

  • Rep. Juan Ciscomani (AZ-06)

  • Rep. John Duarte (CA-13)

  • Rep. Mike Garcia (CA-27)

  • Rep. David Valadao (CA-22)

  • Rep. Monica De La Cruz (TX-15)

  • Rep. Jen Kiggans (VA-02)

  • Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer (OR-05)

  • Rep. Mike Lawler  (NY-17)

  • Mayra Flores (TX-34)

  • Derrick Anderson (VA-07)

Their friends:

  • Donald Trump

  • House Speaker Mike Johnson (LA-04)

  • Elise Stefanik (NY-21)

  • Marjorie Taylor-Greene (GA-14)

  • Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025