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#50: Your Quick Summary Of the Week From America’s Voice

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This July 4, let’s remember that America’s story can’t be told without appreciating the invaluable contributions of immigrants throughout our history. As our Executive Director Vanessa Cárdenas notes, many of these same immigrants help put food on the table for all of us to enjoy on Independence Day and all year round. 

Despite their contributions, many still lack critical protections that allow them to do their work safely. This week, the Biden administration took an important step forward in addressing this issue, announcing a historic rule protecting millions of indoor and outdoor workers from extreme heat. It’s expected to protect 36 million laborers. Read more here.

The holiday should also be a reminder that new Americans are a constant source of ongoing strength and vitality for our nation. USCIS expects to welcome 11,000 new citizens throughout the holiday, double the number of new Americans that were welcomed during last year’s observances. “It’s the proudest moment right now for me,” one new citizen told NPR. Read more here.

America’s Voice will be back next week. We hope you have a happy and safe July 4 weekend, and send our heartfelt congratulations to the thousands of new Americans who are taking the Oath of Allegiance throughout the week. Our nation is stronger because of you.