Must Read News

Today, the Hispanic press highlights the America’s Voice report “The Power of the Latino Vote” which received a front-page story in La Opinión (Los Angeles). The report analyzes 40 electoral races in 12 states

Today, the Hispanic press highlights a study from the Economic Policy Institute (EPI) indicating that immigration does not depress the wages of American workers. According to the report, titled “Immigration and Wages,” Department of Labor statistics demonstrate that the arrival of 9.5 million immigrant workers between 1994 and 2007 resulted in native-born workers receiving a wage increase of $3.68/week.

The president’s State of the Union address last week continues to be a hot topic in the Spanish-language press. President Obama’s aunt, Zeituni Onyango, faces a deportation hearing after overstaying her tourist visa and having her application for political asylum rejected, as reported by the AP, the EFE, La Voz (Arizona), and La Crónica. Yesterday’s edition of New York’s El Diario-La Prensa includes a column from undocumented activist Elvira Arellano, who has been deported to Mexico, titled “What Every Mother Knows” (“Lo que todas las madres sabemos”).

Two reports with bearing on the immigration debate were released in Washington yesterday: an Urban Institute study finding that three-fourths of the 5.5 million children of undocumented parents were born in the United States and live under the fear that their parents will be arrested, separated from them or deported.

Today, much of the Spanish-language coverage of yesterday’s community meeting in Los Angeles focuses on Rep. Luis Gutierrez’ (D-IL) comments, and in particular his call to attend a march in favor of comprehensive immigration reform on March 21st.