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2008 National Survey of Latinos

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Description: This Pew Hispanic Center poll, released Sept. 18, 2008, was based on a bilingual telephone survey of 2,015 Hispanics age 18 and older. Interviews were conducted from June 9 through July 13, 2008.


  • This poll found that overall, on the question of, “Are you better off than you were last year?” half of Latinos would say “no.” Those born in other countries were even more likely to say that conditions of Latinos have deteriorated.
  • On the topic of presidential politics, those surveyed preferred Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., over Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., 66 percent to 23 percent. 55 percent of respondents said Obama is a better candidate for Hispanics, while 11 percent said the same of McCain.
  • About half, 49 percent, of respondents said the Democratic Party has more concern for Hispanics, while 7 percent said the same of the Republican Party. According to the survey, “Most of this gain for the Democrats comes from a reduction in the share of Latinos who say there is no difference between the parties.