Editor’s Note: Our colleagues, Maribel Hastings and Pili Tobar, were in Charlotte and provided updates from the convention. They’ll be covering a wide range of events hosted by various groups, including NALEO and Voto Latino.
Also, during the convention, America’s Voice’s Executive Director, Frank Sharry, was on a panel hosted by the National Journal, ABC and Univision on the Latino vote. The panel, which examined how growth in the Hispanic community and other key demographic trends are dramatically shifting U.S. policy and politics, was live-streamed and live-tweeted — also embedded below:
Democrats convened in Charlotte, North Carolina to nominate Barack Obama. Unlike the Republican National Convention, there was a much more public discussion about immigration.
At the Democratic National Convention, San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro was the first Latino to give the keynote address. He has been major Latino surrogate for Obama. Also from San Antonio is DREAMer Benita Veliz, who on Wednesday night took center stage as the first ever undocumented American to address millions from a major national political convention. In her remarks, she said “President Obama fought for the DREAM Act to help people like me. And when Congress refused to pass it, he didn’t give up. Instead, he took action so that people like me can apply to stay in our country and contribute. We will keep fighting for reform, but while we do, we are able to work, study and pursue the American dream.”
You can watch the full video of Benita Veliz’s speech here.
We also heard from Representative Luis Gutierrez earlier that same day, who said “The future of over 1 million good people will be decided in this election. We can’t deny them. President Obama is protecting immigrants. Mitt Romney wants to send them back.”
The convention culminated last night with a speech from the President himself, who formally accepted his party’s nomination. The President said:
You’re the reason a young immigrant who grew up here and went to school here and pledged allegiance to our flag will no longer be deported from the only country she’s ever called home…
And —
We know that churches and charities can often make more of a difference than a poverty program alone. We don’t want handouts for people who refuse to help themselves, and we don’t want bailouts for banks that break the rules. We don’t think government can solve all our problems. But we don’t think that government is the source of all our problems – any more than are welfare recipients, or corporations, or unions, or immigrants, or gays, or any other group we’re told to blame for our troubles.
The complete list of announced speakers at the Democratic convention was rife with supporters of immigration reform at all levels of government, and we heard from even more delegates at the convention. For more on how these Democrats have championed immigration reform in the past, click here. And if you’re interested in who said what re: immigration at the actual convention this year, we have that information available in this blog post. Check it out.
Interested in what else we’ve written about re: the Democratic National Convention? Check out the following list of resources:
- The Democratic National Convention 2012 Talks Immigration
- Pili Tobar: The Democratic Nationals Convention 2012: Me and Christina Serelegui
- Press Release: DNC Highlights New Politics of Immigration
- Maribel Hastings, Voz Y Voto: Immigration reform: If Obama’s re-elected, will it be “Yes, He Can” or “No, He Can’t”?
- Twitter Responds to Benita Veliz’s DNC Speech
- Press Release: A Reminder of Why Politics Matters
- DREAMer Benita Veliz Speaks to the Democratic National Convention
- Pili Tobar: Democratic National Convention 2012: Understanding the Importance of the Latino Vote
- Maribel Hastings, Voz Y Voto: The Quest for the Latino Vote: Not Just Message, But Substance
- Press Release: DREAMs on Display at Democratic National Convention
- Live-Stream: Univision, National Journal and ABC News Host DNC Panel on Latino Vote
- DNC Kicks Off with Major Contrasts on Immigration on Display
- Maribel Hastings, Voz Y Voto: Obama: Rekindling the flames of passion
- Immigration at the Democratic National Convention
- Immigration Reform Champions Scheduled to Speak at Democratic National Convention
- Press Release: As DNC Kicks Off, Major Contrasts on Immigration on Display