On Friday, our Political Director, Adam Luna, posted a heads-up about just who was coming to Virginia for the American Cause National Conference on Saturday:
A who’s who of well known racists and right wing strategists are gathering at the Ritz Carlton Hotel on Saturday, June 20, 2009 in McLean, VA. Pat Buchanan and his sister, Bay, will host the American Cause National Conference, with the ironic theme: “Building the New Majority.” All the folks who’ve been leading the race-based attacks on Judge Sotomayor will be there.
According to American Cause: “The conference features top conservative activists, intellectuals, and politicians, who will argue that principled conservative opposition to Barack Obama is key if the Republican Party is to become a majority party once again.” In reality, the meeting provides a forum for white nationalists to strategize with members of the traditional media and “mainstream” conservative politicians.
To get the full picture, check out a new background report by my organization, America’s Voice, which exposes the event.
Irony of ironies- it turns out, according to Think Progress’ Lee Fang in “Under Misspelled Banner, Buchanan And White Nationalist Brimelow Argue For English-Only Initiatives,” that American Cause luminaries actually convened under a misspelled banner to promote their hardline, English-only agenda. Fang writes:
On Saturday, Pat Buchanan hosted a conference to discuss how Republicans can regain a majority in America. During one discussion, panelists suggested supporting English-only initiatives as a prime way of attracting “working class white Democrats.” The discussion ridiculed Judge Sotomayor for the fact that she studied children’s classics to improve her grammar while attending college. The panelists also suggested that, without English as the official language, President Obama would force Americans to speak Spanish.
One salient feature of the event was the banner hanging over the English-only advocates. The word conference was spelled “Conferenece.” View it here.