On a cold and dreary Sunday evening, scores of DREAMers and their supporters gathered together on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial to sing modified holiday carols – all with a witty DREAM Act theme. Watch as Eric Byler, of 9500 Liberty and the Coffee Party fame, interviews a number of attendees on that faithful Sunday evening:
As the temperature in DC dropped from cold to freezing yesterday, DREAMers from around the country gathered together with faith leaders for an emergency prayer summit, a creative “Jericho March” around Senate office buildings, and major visits with key Senate offices.
According to the Faith in Public Life blog:
The day started in the chapel of the United Methodist building where Christian, Jewish and Muslim faith leaders and courageous immigrant students who will a gain a chance to achieve their dreams if the bill passes articulated the moral imperative to pass this bill. The inspiring group then marched hand-in-hand around the Senate office buildings, singing hymns all along the way and stopping for a moving prayer service before fanning out in the Hart Senate office building to press their Senators to show moral courage and vote yes on the DREAM Act.
Here’s Ohio Evangelical leader, Reverend Troy Jackson, speaking about why our nation “needs a conversion moment” on DREAM: