To welcome you back from the long weekend, immigration blips from across the blogosphere.
First, Politico’s Jonathan Martin reports that California gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman may be facing a new ad campaign en Español as a result of her own English-language TV advertising on immigration:
The California Nurses Association is launching an ad this week on Spanish-language radio featuring a clip from the commercial Meg Whitman’s campaign is running that touts her tough stance on illegal immigration and support from former Gov. Pete Wilson.
“Here is the ad about immigrants that Pete Wilson and Meg Whitman don’t want you to hear but your friends at the California Nurses Association think you should,” says a narrator, in Spanish, before the spot splices in the gubernatorial candidate and former governor discussing what she’d do to crack down on the border.
The ad will make its debut on the popular, Los Angeles-based Piolin show on Wednesday and air on Central Valley stations in the week leading up to the June 8 GOP primary between Whitman and Steve Poizner.
On the Arizona front, there were major immigration protests around the country and in Phoenix Saturday (the picture above is from Phoenix, and Vivir Latino has a post up with the details)– more on that soon.
John Amato writes that the Justice Department is reaching out to AZ officials on their new papers-please law, over at Crooks and Liars:
This is refreshing news.
Justice Department officials told Arizona’s attorney general and aides to the governor Friday that the federal government has serious reservations about the state’s new immigration law. They responded that a lawsuit against the state isn’t the answer.
“I told them we need solutions from Washington, not more lawsuits,” said Attorney General Terry Goddard, a Democrat.
The Justice Department initiated separate meetings by phone and face-to-face in Phoenix with Goddard and aides to Republican Gov. Jan Brewer to reach out to Arizona’s leaders and elicit information from state officials regarding the Obama administration’s concerns about the new law.