This is truly sickening. Maricopa County’s infamous Sheriff Joe Arpaio just sent this shocking message to his followers:
“STOP ILLEGALS FROM STEALING THE ELECTION! Our grassroots army of VOTER FRAUD PREVENTION VOLUNTEERS will stand vigilant across the nation. We will be the first and strongest line of defense to ensure that only legal citizens vote on November 2nd.”
Bogus accusations of “illegal voters” crop up every election, and every election they are proven false. What’s truly frightening is that, this year, Arpaio is recruiting an “army” to block people from voting in the name of “fraud prevention.”
However, you can send a message to the Justice Department demanding that they send election monitors to Arizona immediately. These are the people who are supposed to protecting our right to vote, not suppressing it.
When you take action, you’ll also get to download a new voter protection card (in English or Spanish) with a nationwide hotline to report problems on election day.