The Spanish-language press reports today on the period before votes are scheduled in both houses of Congress on the DREAM Act, a bill which would legalize undocumented young people who wish to attend college or serve in the armed forces.
The rush to secure the necessary votes in both chambers is marked by events throughout the country to push legislators to vote for it. These include phone banks, vigils, and the delivery of ceremonial “checks” to Congress, illustrating the $2.3 million potential DREAM beneficiaries would generate in revenues to the federal government over 10 years if they could regularize their immigration status, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) analysis of the Senate version of the bill.
La Opinión (Los Angeles), El Universal (Mexico) y Al Día (Texas), among other outlets, cover these developments.
Al Día quotes Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), who says:
“I hope that my Republican colleagues, especially those who have voted for the DREAM Act in the past, join us and support this bill which would help our economy and strengthen our armed forces.”
Noticiero Telemundo titles its report “Battle for the DREAM Act.”