Reuters: To delay or not: Timing on immigration reform holds risks for Obama
Politico: Luis Gutiérrez to Barack Obama: Act on immigration now
Roll Call: Congressman, Immigration Activists Urge Obama to Act Before Elections
The Hill: Immigration advocates to Obama: Don’t let Dems ‘stand in the way’
BHuffington Post: Luis Gutierrez: Democrats ‘Can’t Pick And Choose’ When They’re For Immigrants
MSNBC: Immigration reformers split over White House delay
VOXXI: Luis Gutierrez tells Senate Democrats: ‘Step aside’ and let Obama act
Washington Examiner: Key Democrat pushes Obama to act on immigration
JP Updates: Christie Trip to Mexico Highlights Latin America as ‘New Israel’ For Presidential Contenders
Washington Post: Immigration activist asks of Obama, ‘Where is his courage?’
EFE: Obama urged to act as soon as possible on immigration
Washington Post: Illegal immigrants more likely to have lived in the U.S. for over a decade
Wall Street Journal: Study: Typical Illegal Resident in U.S. for More Than 12 Years
Politico: Migrants’ right to counsel argued
Associated Press: Feds oppose lawsuit, attorneys for migrant minors
Associated Press: Number of child immigrants at border declining
The Hill: Rate of child migrants at border declines for second month
New York Times: Deportations Have ‘No Observable Effect’ on Crime Rate, Study Concludes
The Hill: White House official predicts CR passage
Roll Call: Stopgap Could Mean More Juggling for Border Agencies
Washington Examiner: More Americans trust GOP on immigration
NPR (Colorado): Colorado Republicans Buck National Party Trends On Immigration
Los Angeles Times (California): Nearly 1 in 10 California workers are in country illegally, study finds
Reuters (California): Californians back Obama acting on immigrant children if Congress won’t
Los Angeles Times (California): Low turnout in California in November could lift prospects for GOP
Washington Post (Plum Line): Lawyers agree: Obama has broad authority to act on deportations
Washington Post (Opinion): Obama’s herky-jerky leadership
Washington Post (Monkey Cage): How Latinos will matter in the midterm election
Fox News Latino (Opinion): Opinion: The Heavy Risk Of DACA In The View Of Evangelicals
New Republic (Opinion): Boehner Says Immigration Reform Could Happen Next Year. Sound Familiar?
The Hill (Opinion): ‘Plata o plomo,’ silver or lead
National Journal (Opinion): Current Immigration Crisis Begs for a More Effective Foreign Policy
National Journal (Opinion): Congress Returns to Doing Nothing
Arizona Republic (Arizona – Opinion): Ron Barber dodges Obama executive order on immigration
Orlando Sentinel (Florida – Opinion): Evangelicals: Congress must do better on immigration reform