The Economist: Let the right ones in
U.S. News & World Report: For Colorado GOP, Outreach to Latinos Isn’t an Option, It’s Essential
Stabroeck News (Guyana – Letter to the Editor): Caribbean people are disappointed by Obama’s postponement of executive action on undocumented immigrants
MSNBC: Deportations in US in sharp decline
Washington Post: Obama losing the confidence of key parts of the coalition that elected him
Politico: POLITICO poll: GOP has edge on immigration in midterms
Washington Post: Rick Perry’s immigration record: A hard line at the border, a softer touch in Austin
Associated Press: Rubio Taking Tougher Stance On Immigration As He Eyes 2016 Presidential Run
BuzzFeed: Immigration Activists Don’t Buy Hillary Clinton’s “Political” Answer
BuzzFeed: DREAMer Activist Challenges Joaquin Castro Over Obama’s Immigration Delay
NPR: Border Crossings Slow But Immigration Courts Still Face Backlog
NPR: Mexican Crackdown Slows Central American Immigration To U.S.
Los Angeles Times: Detention center brings immigration debate to small-town New Mexico
National Journal: How a Republican Stays Afloat in a Hispanic-Majority Border District
Columbus Dispatch (Ohio): Deportation case against Salvadoran woman criticized as ‘overkill’
Washington Post (Maryland): Martin O’Malley asks attorneys to represent unaccompanied immigrant children
Associated Press (New York): NY lawmakers look at help for child immigrants
New York Post (New York): NY Democrats seek citizen rights for illegal immigrants
Miami Herald (Florida): Florida activists: Let undocumented immigrants apply for driver’s licenses
CNN (Opinion): Obama’s wise move on immigration
Wall Street Journal (Opinion): Fortress America
Roll Call (Opinion): Conventional Wisdom Wrongly Underestimates the Latino Vote — Again | Commentary
The Hill (Congress Blog): Two immigration fixes Obama can implement right now
Philadelphia Inquirer (Pennsylvania – Opinion): Politics of immigration