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NBC News: How Will Latino Votes Influence Colorado’s Senate Battle?
By Suzanne Gamboa
October 28, 2014
BuzzFeed: The Final Recommendations For Immigration Actions Are Being Sent To Obama
By Adrian Carrasquillo
October 28, 2014
Politico: House Dems warn over detentions
By Seung Min Kim
October 28, 2014
Reuters: House Democrats urge pause in migrant family deportations
October 28, 2014
Fusion: Big and Bold Activists Expect Obama to Grant Deportation Relief to Millions
By Ted Hesson
October 28, 2014
Breitbart: Immigration Obama’s Worst Issue- One Week Before Midterms
By Tony Lee
October 28, 2014
The Hill: Obama heckled by immigration activist; crowd members again leave early
By Justin Sink
October 29, 2014
New York Times: U.S. Immigration Laws Face New Scrutiny After Killings
By Jennifer Medina
October 29, 2014
Fox News: Immigration officer union sounds alarm over DHS order for millions of blank work permits, green cards
By Lucas Tomlinson
October 28, 2014
New Republic: The GOP Chair Just Declared a Post- Election War Against Obama
By Brian Beutler
October 28, 2014
PBS (Colorado): Both Parties Duck Immigration Reform in Attempts to Attract Colorado’s Latino Voters
By Katie Kuntz
October 28, 2014
Associated Press (New York): NY state to review schools’ immigration compliance
By Frank Eltman
October 28, 2014
The Washington Post (Editorial) To frighten voters, the GOP conjures up a wide-open border
October 29, 2014
Bloomberg View (Editorial): Republicans’ New Immigration Agenda
October 28, 2014
La Opinión (Editorial): Immigration is the GOP’s Piñata
October 28, 2014
The Hill (Opinion): Border Security and Immigration
By Tobias T. Gibson
October 29, 2014
Washington Post (The Fix): Hispanics on a GOP Senate: Sure, Why Not?
By Nia-Malika Henderson
October 28, 2014
Washington Post (Monkey Cage): Immigration activists are turning up the heat on Sen. Kay Hagan. Is it the wrong place at the wrong time?
By Patrick Egan
October 28, 2014
The Hill (Opinion): 3 reasons Latinos should vote for the Democrats
By Fernando Espuelas
October 28, 2014
The Hill (Opinion): Top Three Races for Hispanics in America
By Mario H. Lopez
October 28, 2014
Huffington Post (Blog): 18 Senate, Governor Races Latinos Could Influence in 2014
By Matt Barreto
October 28, 2014
Houston Chronicle (Texas – Opinion): Ebola, ISIS, and illegal immigration are the same problem
By Chris Ladd
October 28 2014
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