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Must-Read News on Immigration Reform, November 4, 2014

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MSNBC: Udall rallies Latinos, but leaders fear it’s too little too late
By Benjy Sarlin
November 3, 2014

The Atlantic: Latino Voters’ Wrenching Choice
By Molly Ball
November 3, 2014

NBCNews: Will Cultural Pride Get Latinos to Vote?
By Suzanne Gamboa
November 4, 2014

MSNBC: Political establishment taking notice of Latino vote
By Maria Teresa Kumar
November 3, 2014

Washington Post (She the People): Voto Latino: Millenials have the power to rock the Hispanic Vote
By Bianca Betancourt
November 3, 2014

Talking Points Memo: Poll: GOP Lead Shrinks Dramatically in Colorado Senate Race’s Final Days
By Dylan Scott
November 3, 2014

Bloomberg: The GOP’s Immigration Two-Step
By Dave Weigel
November 3, 2014

MSNBC (Morning Joe): Hispanic vote not more GOP, just less Democrat (VIDEO)
November 3, 2014

MSNBC (Jose Diaz-Balart): Obama responds to DREAMers: ‘Go to the other rally and focus on them’ (VIDEO)
November 3, 2014

Breitbart: Immigration Leaders: NH Fertile for Illegal Alien Gangs, Crime if Jeanne Shaheen Re-Elected
By Matthew Boyle
November 3, 2014

Politico: Getting Latinos Wrong
By Matt Baretto and Thomas Schaller
October 31, 2014

Bloomberg: Congressman warns of ‘civil war’ among Democrats unless Obama acts on immigration
By Paul Lewis
November 3, 2014

Bloomberg: Sarah Palin: Romney in ‘Never Never Land’ on Immigration Reform
By David Knowles
November 3, 2014

Huffington Post: 5 Immigration Theories You Should Feel Free To Ignore
By Roque Planas
November 3, 2014

Huffington Post: Americans Still Want Congress to Address Immigration: Poll (VIDEO)
By Elise Foley
November 3, 2014

Duke Chronicle: (North Carolina): Immigration reform a likely tipping point in Senate race
By Aleena Karediya
November 4, 2014

KDVR (Colorado): How to read Colorado’s ballot returns — now and on Election Night
By Eli Stokols
November 3, 2014

Al Jazeera America: (Virginia/Maryland): A Tale of Two Immigration Politics in Virginia and Maryland
By Ryan Schuette
November 3, 2014

Al Jazeera America (Opinion): With Washington in gridlock, Latinos turn to state and local elections
By Mary Tuck
November 3, 2014