Huffington Post: GOP Hopes It Won’t Need Immigration Reform To Win Over Colorado Latinos
By Elise Foley
October 31, 2014
Miami Herald: Andres Oppenheimer: Republicans may win Tuesday, and lose in 2016
By Andres Oppenheimer
November 2, 2014
Huffington Post: Mitt Romney: GOP Senate Will Put Immigration Reform On President’s Desk
By Arthur Delaney
November 2, 2014
Politico: Romney: A GOP Senate to pass immigration, trade
By Jonathan Topaz
November 2, 2014
Bloomberg: Mitt Romney Proposition: If GOP Senate, then Immigration Reform
By David Knowles
November 2, 2014
Fox News: Romney cautious about Senate predictions, but confident Obama will order amnesty
November 2, 2014
NPR: Colorado Voters Cite Immigration As A Hot Button Issue [RADIO]
By Steve Innskeep
November 3, 2014
Wall Street Journal: Colorado’s Democratic Drift Seems to Stall
By Beth Reinhard and Dan Frosch
November 2, 2014
New York Times (Upshot): It May Be Too Late, but Colorado Early Ballots Are Shifting Toward Democrats
By Nate Cohn
November 2, 2014
New York Times: Republicans Setting the Early Pace in Colorado With 104,000 More Ballots
By Jack Healy
November 2, 2014
The Week: If Democrats abandon immigration reform after Tuesday’s likely loss, they will turn 2016 into a debacle
By Shikha Dalmia
October 31, 2014
AP: Florida Rep. Diaz-Balart joins immigration panel, lends support to Michigan rep in tight race
October 31, 2014
Washington Post (Fact Checker): Did Obama promise ‘amnesty’ to 11 million undocumented immigrants?
By Glenn Kessler
November 3, 2014
Bloomberg: Obama Heckled on Immigration Reform During Campaign Stop
By Tolouse Olorunnipa
November 2, 2014
Washington Post: Obama heckled by immigration activists during election-eve rally
By Abby Phillip
November 2, 2014
Latin Post: Immigration Reform News 2014: House Democrats Campaign for Executive Action on Immigration Reform
By Olivia Demarinis
November 2, 2014
Fox News (Opinion): Alabama Senator: Obama wants immigration amnesty, your vote can stop it
By Sen. Jeff Sessions
November 2, 2014
Boston Herald: (Massachusetts- Opinion) Immigration Stance Could Hurt GOP in ‘16
By Kimberly Atkins
November 3, 2014
Miami Herald (Florida- Opinion): A Simple Immigration Fix With a Big Payoff
By Tammy Fox Isicoff}
November 3, 2014