The Hill: Democrats press Obama to wait on immigration executive action
MSNBC: Immigration advocates ready for executive action
Washington Post (Plum Line): Democrats might fracture over deportations, advocates worry
Politico: Senate Dems to Obama: We’re with you on immigration
Reuters: Leading Senate Democrats urge Obama to act on immigration
Business Insider: Senate Democrats Push Obama To Go Big On Immigration
The Hill: Senate Dems back Obama’s immigration executive order
Washington Post: Top Senate Democrats offer Obama support on immigration
Bloomberg: Americans Narrowly Oppose Obama Immigration Action: Poll
The Hill: In GOP, a new voice of immigration dissent
Washington Post: ‘Orange is the New Black’ actress Diane Guerrero’s parents were deported. It was a nightmare
Bloomberg: Watch a Republican Congressman Sidestep a Really Straightforward Question About Immigration
Washington Post: Bill Cassidy vows to fight Obama immigration executive order in campaign ad
The Hill: Poll: Plurality want Obama to delay immigration action
Washington Post: Obama’s potential immigration plan could enter uncharted territory
AP: SPIN METER: Obama is firm but vague on immigration
Vox: 9 facts that explain why Obama is about to help millions of immigrants
Bloomberg: Guns, Immigration Focus Of New Anti-Landrieu Ads in Louisiana
New York Times: For Obama, Executive Order on Immigration Would Be a Turnabout
AP: 2 GOP Presidents Acted Unilaterally on Immigration
USA Today: Poll: Resistance to Obama order on immigration
National Journal: Obama’s Proposed Executive Action Doesn’t Touch the Roots of Immigration Dysfunction
Wall Street Journal: Republicans Warn Obama About Unilateral Actions on Immigration
National Review: La Raza: ‘Very Important, Urgent’ Obama Sign Executive Amnesty ‘as Soon as Possible’
Talking Points Memo: ‘Orange Is The New Black’ Actress Breaks Down Talking About Family’s Deportation (VIDEO)
Vox: The political upside of Obama’s immigration plan
CQ: Executive Immigration Action Divides Ag Sector Allies
Latin Post: Communities Prepare as President Obama Eyes Executive Action on Immigration Reform
Fox News: Cotton hints at specific GOP spending bill tactic to counter Obama executive action
Washington Post (The Fix): Before Obama’s immigration decision, skepticism is palpable
The Hill (Pundits Blog): The pervasive myth of an immigration crisis
Washington Post (Fact Checker Blog): Obama’s flip-flop on using executive action on illegal immigration
New York Times (Opinion): Who’s Afraid of Executive Action?
New York Times (Opinion): Boehner’s immigration inertia forces Obama to act
Slate (Opinion): Pity the Republicans
The Atlantic (Opinion): Five Reasons Obama Shouldn’t Declare Amnesty
Talking Points Memo (Opinion): Reaping the Whirlwind
Bloomberg (Opinion): Republicans Can’t Pass Immigration Reform
Huffington Post (Op-Ed): Dear Mr. President: Act Now on Immigration
Washington Post (Post Partisan Blog): Who poisoned the well in Washington?
MSNBC (Maddow Blog): Unprecedented, except for all the other times
Los Angeles Times (Op-Ed): ‘Orange is the New Black’ actress: My parents were deported
Washington Post (Opinion): Obama pursues a can-do approach
Washington Post (Right Turn Blog): The GOP’s immigration puzzle
Fox Latino (Opinion): Can Hispanics survive Obama’s political suicide?
Mother Jones (Opinion): Why Won’t Orrin Hatch Blame Republicans For the Failure of Immigration Reform?
The Hill (Opinion): Judd Gregg: GOP must provide an alternative to Obama