International Business Times: Immigration Reform 2014: Executive Action Prompts Blame Game Between Obama And New Midterm Congress
Newsweek: On Immigration, Nobody Is Winning
Politico: The GOP plan for Lynch: It’s all about immigration
Forbes: AG Confirmation To Become Centerpiece Of GOP War Over Obama’s Use Of Executive Order For Amnesty
Fox News: Poisoning the well? Obama’s immigration vow complicates AG nomination, budget bill
MSNBC: GOP congressman sees Obama’s impeachment as ‘a possibility’
Bloomberg: Why Obama Could Act Alone on Immigration Despite Republican Threats
Huffington Post: Conservatives Warn That GOP Must Act On Immigration, Not Just Attack Obama
National Review: Obama Starts Taking Executive Action on Immigration?
BuzzFeed News: GOP Congressman: “Impeachment Would Be A Consideration” If Obama Acts On Immigration (VIDEO)
Fusion: How the GOP could block Obama’s immigration plans
AP: Incoming GOP Senate Chairman Plans Border Bill
Fiscal Times: Talking Past Each Other on Immigration Reform
Vox: The new GOP Senate is already fighting with itself over immigration
The Hill: Boehner ally: Speaker ‘wants’ to do something on immigration
Washington Post (Morning Plum): Ted Cruz goes to war over deportations
EFE (Illinois): Chicago church provides sanctuary for another undocumented Mexican
Huffington Post: (Opinion): The Election Is Over; it’s Time for the President to Act
Washington Post (Wonk Blog): The Fall of the Berlin Wall Could Teach America a lot About Its Own Border
Bloomberg View (Opinion): Best Immigration Policy Is More Immigration
The Atlantic (Opinion): Waiting for Republicans to Act on Immigration Is Pointless
Washington Post (Morning Plum): Ted Cruz goes to war over deportations
MSNBC (Opinion): GOP needs a reason to oppose executive action on immigration
New York Times (Room for Debate): Democrats Must Embrace Latinos and Immigration, Not Run Away
New York Times (Upshot Blog): A Strategy for Rich Countries: Absorb More Immigrants