Fox News Latino by Juan Williams: Congressman Bob Goodlatte Says He’s ‘Ready To Move’ On Immigration Reform By Juan Williams
CNN: Unaccompanied minors risk life for American dream By Rosa Flores
Washington Post (Plum Line): Morning Plum: Obama is in a very tough political jam on immigration By Greg Sargent
National Journal: Why 90,000 Children Flooding Our Border Is Not an Immigration Story By Brian Resnick
Business Insider: There’s A Staggering Humanitarian Crisis On The US Border, And It’s Only Going To Get Worse By Brett Logiurato
Washington Examiner: On immigrant surge, White House story falls apart By Byron York
Fusion: Without Immigration, Half of the U.S. World Cup Soccer Team Disappears by Jorge Rivas
Associated Press: Plan to house immigrant children in Va. on hold
New York Times: Migrants Flow in South Texas, as Do Rumors By Julia Preston
The Hill: Dem challenger attacks on immigration By Cameron Joseph
NBC News: White House To Honor DACA Recipients As Champions of Change
The Hill: WH to honor young illegal immigrants By Rebecca Shabad
Politico: GOP pol raises Obama impeachment By Jonathan Topaz
Washington Examiner: Raul Labrador tells House Republicans leadership race ‘needs another voice.’ By Susan Ferrechio
National Journal: Second Things First: Jeb Bush Seen as Good Fit for VP Slot By Tom DeFrank
Los Angeles Times: Immigrant families in Ohio find a guardian angel By Brian Bennett
Reuters: N.Y. lawmaker aims to give voting rights to illegal immigrants By Curtis Skinner
Bloomberg Businessweek: In New York, a Bill to Grant Undocumented Immigrants State Citizenship By Josh Eidelson
New York Daily News (New York): Undocumented immigrants in New York could become ‘state citizens’ under new bill By Erin Durkin
New York Observer (New York): Rivera and Camara Put Up Immigration Bill They Admit Won’t Pass By Will Bredderman
Associated Press (Colorado): Immigration Reform a Political Quandary for GOP; Coffman vs Romanoff Could Highlight That By Nicholas Riccardi
Cleveland Plain-Dealer (Ohio): Immigration and Customs Enforcement grants Luis Nicasio Padilla stay of removal By Gus Chan
Arizona Republic (Arizona): Children of deported, detained want policy change By Mariana Dale
MinnPost (Minnesota): Minnesota immigration-reform advocates push Congress to pass something — anything — this summer By Devin Henry (Alabama): Sen. Jeff Sessions says immigration cost Eric Cantor his House Speaker post: It was ‘dominant issue’ By Leada Gore
Oregonian (Oregon): Greg Walden blames Obama for immigration impasse: Oregon politics today By Jeff Mapes
New York Times (Editorial): Innocents at the Border
Washington Post (Right Turn): Immigration reform, growth and a gone fishin’ Congress By Jennifer Rubin
Washington Post (Opinion): Dana Milbank: John Boehner chooses job security over leadership By Dana Milbank
The Hill (Letter to the Editor): Biased poll gives readers the wrong idea on immigration By Rep. Lamar Smith
The Hill (Congress Blog): Cantor is gone, but rural America still needs immigration reform By John Bechtel
National Journal (Opinion): Recipe for Paralysis By Charlie Cook
The Week (Opinion): The lesson of Eric Cantor: Republicans can’t win on immigration By W. James Antle III
Huffington Post (Blog): The Struggle for Immigration Reform Contradicts Our ‘Democratic Ideals’ By Supriya P. Golas
Huffington Post (Blog): Child Exodus From Central America: This Ain’t Just Immigration Anymore By Marco Cáceres
Miami Herald (Opinion): Border crisis defies immigration platitudes By Mary Sanchez
News Tribune (Washington – Editorial): Immigration reform: Still urgent, still impossible
Fresno Bee (California – Editorial): EDITORIAL: McCarthy’s ascent will be good for California
Arizona Republic (Arizona – Opinion): U.S. must resolve immigration crisis, invest in Western Hemisphere By Lisa Urias
Columbus Dispatch (Ohio – Letter to the Editor): Agriculture needs immigration reform By Fred Yoder
Latino Decisions: Infographic: GOP has a lot to win or lose on immigration reform
Buzzfeed: A New Front On Immigration: NY Legislation Would Let Undocumented Vote, Drive by Adrian Carrasquillo