National Journal: Obama’s Immigration Independence Day
Associated Press: Obama under pressure to visit US-Mexico border
Voice of America: Washington Stirs Anew on Immigration Reform
Washington Post: DHS chief Jeh Johson takes cool approach to hot-button issue of immigration
Wall Street Journal: Jeh Johnson Noncommittal on Child Migrants
Politico: Johnson: Border ‘not open’ to undocumented immigrants
Reuters: U.S. needs ‘to do right’ for immigrant children: official
CNN: Homeland Security chief: ‘We’re going to stem this tide’ of illegal immigration
Fox News: DHS Secretary Johnson gives no clear answers on whether illegal immigrant children will be deported
Los Angeles Times: Deportation data won’t dispel rumors drawing migrant minors to U.S.
MSNBC: GOP Rep. on immigration crisis: “I know it sounds harsh…”
Roll Call: Goodlatte: Border Crisis ‘Disaster of President Obama’s Own Making’
Roll Call: GOP Says Border Crisis is Obama’s Fault; Democrats Blame Violence, Poverty
Politico: Labrador: ‘Deport’ undocumented immigrants
The Hill: Cornyn: ‘Undeniable’ that Obama’s actions cause child migration
The Hill: Gosar: Deport child immigrants
The Hill: Graham: Send young immigrants home
The Hill: Immigrants in surge ‘not dangerous individuals,’ Border Patrol chief says
Associated Press: Immigration Rallies Wait For Buses Of Immigrants In Murrieta
Washington Post: California town chagrined to be flash point on immigration issues
Los Angeles Times: Murrieta immigrant protests: Mayor defends his town’s actions
Politico: Mayor Alan Long: Murrieta, California is ‘compassionate’ town
NBC News: In Some Towns, Immigrants Met With Aid Instead of Anger
New York Times: Obama, at Naturalization Ceremony, Calls for Immigration Overhaul
Politico: Obama: I’m ‘doing everything I can’
Wall Street Journal: Obama Vows to Act, Border Protest Goes On
Washington Post: Obama calls for immigration reform at Independence Day citizenship ceremony
USA Today: Obama welcomes new citizens, pushes immigration bill
The Hill: WH: Perry challenge ‘hard to take seriously’
Washington Examiner: Rick Perry: Obama administration ‘either are inept or don’t care’ about border crisis
Huffington Post: Rick Perry Won’t Back Away From Obama Border Conspiracy Theory
The Hill: Immigration discussion front and center Sunday
The Hill: Reid: House GOP immigration inaction costs US jobs
The Hill: Durbin ‘fed up’ with House Republicans
NPR: More Municipalities Deny Federal Requests, Won’t Detain Immigrants
CNN: Border-state Democrat: Obama “one step behind” on immigration
Arizona Republic (Arizona): Salmon wants immigrant children quickly returned home
Northwest Herald (Illinois): Farmers call for immigration reform amid workforce woes
CBS 8 (California): Border event promotes peace amid immigration crisis
New York Times (Editorial): Mr. Obama, Go Big on Immigration
Creators Syndicate (Opinion): For Children, Hate Is Bilingual
The Hill (Opinion): USA means immigrants and immigration reform
TIME (Opinion): Immigration Reform Has Some Dry Bones
New York Times (Letter to the Editor): A Child’s Risky Journey
Wall Street Journal (Opinion): In Praise of Huddled Masses (Cont’d)
The Hill (Opinion): Immigration reform is alive, but not in Congress
Bloomberg Businessweek (Opinion): Why Immigration Reform Only Looks Dead
Post and Courier (South Carolina – Editorial): Break the immigration impasse