Salon: Opinion: GOP created a nativist monster: How radical wingnuts seized the party
By Heather Digby Parton
The Associated Press: Obama Faces Advocate Demands on Immigration
By Jim Kuhnhenn and Erica Werner
The Hill: Immigration advocates to Obama: Go big
By Mike Lillis
Politico: Luis Gutierrez: Obama can ‘heal’ undocumented
By Kendall Breitman
The Hill: White House: No regrets on waiting for GOP
By Justin Sink
The Economist: This time he’s really mad
CNN: 5 things Obama can and can’t do on immigration
By Halimah Abdullah
Chicago Sun-Times: Poll: Few support Obama bypassing Congress
By Chad Medra
Newsweek: Obama Must Woo Latinos With Immigration Reform or Democrats Will Lose in 2014
By Taylor Wofford
Wall Street Journal: Industries Switch Focus to Piecemeal Approach to Immigration
By Laura Meckler and Kristina Peterson
NBC News: Why Immigration Reform Died in Congress
By Chuck Todd, Mark Murray, and Carrie Dann
Vox: Immigration reform died because it’s become a normal political issue
By Matthew Yglesias
New York Times: Deadlock in Congress Appears to Worsen as Midterms Loom
By Carl Huse
The Associated Press: Death of boy near Texas border draws attention to dangers of child immigration
By Sonia Perez D. and Chris Sherman
NPR: Influx Of Children Creates New Strain On Beleaguered Immigration Courts
By John Burnett
Mother Jones: 4 Reasons Why Border Agents Shouldn’t Get to Decide Whether Child Migrants Can Stay in the US
By Ian Gordon
USA Today: Voices: Turning our backs on immigrant children
By Alan Gomez
Reuters: Kerry warns U.S. will deport undocumented Central American children
By Patricia Zengerle
The Hill: Idaho senators demand Obama enforce immigration laws
By Ramsey Cox
CBS (California): First Wave Of Detained Immigrants Arrive In Murrieta From Texas
CNN: Protesters block buses carrying undocumented immigrants in California
By Holly Yan
Los Angeles Times: Murrieta protesters turn back Border Patrol detainees
By Matt Hansen and Kate Linthicum
The Associated Press (Oklahoma): Oklahoma Officials Call For Immigration Reform
WCCO CBS 4 (Minnesota): Plans To Relocate U.S. Immigration Office In Twin Cities Halted
The Associated Press (Texas_: Border security back in front of Texas lawmakers
Wall Street Journal (Editorial): The Immigration Reform Collapse
Washington Post (The Fix): Three sentences on immigration that will haunt Republicans in 2016
By Chris Cillizza
Washington Post (The Fix): Immigration reform is super popular. Here’s why Congress isn’t listening.
By Scott Clement
New York Magazine (Daily Intelligencer): Boehner Decides Helping Hillary Win Is Better Than Passing Immigration Reform
By Jonathan Chait
Forbes: Immigration Reform: Congress Won’t Vote? A Changing Electorate Will
By Javier Palomarez
Washington Post (Plum Line): Obama sticks his thumb in Republicans’ eyes on immigration
By Paul Waldman
Slate: Lack of Trust in Obama Didn’t Kill Immigration Reform
By John Dickerson
Fox News Latino: Opinion: President Obama’s Immigration Wait And See Looks To Maximize Political Impact
By Matthew Kolken
Reuters (The Great Debate): Why children — from Central American migrants, to my son — deserve better immigration policies
By Ana Christina DaSilva Iddings
Huffington Post (Blog): Politically Suicidal Consequences of Republican Immigration Reform Kill
By Fernando Espuelas
Des Moines Register (Iowa—Editorial): President can’t unilaterally fix immigration