Politifact: Did Scott Walker flip-flop on a immigration and a pathway to citizenship?
By Dave Umhoefer
AP: Bush Calls for Expansion of Immigration of Skilled Workers
Wall Street Journal: Jeb Bush on Shrinking Middle Class and Immigration (VIDEO)
National Journal: The States That Will Pick the President: The Sunbelt
By Ronald Brownstein
CNN: Past Bush immigration remarks shock conservatives
By Alexandra Jaffe
Politico: House and Senate Republicans clash on immigration
By Manu Raju
The Hill: Unity for Senate Republicans cracks on immigration response
By Alexander Bolton
New York Times: Senate Democrats Again Block Homeland Security Funding Tied to Immigration
By Ashley Parker
National Journal: How Many Times Can Republicans Vote on the Same DHS Bill? Until Democrats Cave.
By Lauren Fox
National Journal: Democrats Flip the Script on Security
By Alex Brown
Huffington Post: Senate At Impasse On DHS Funding As Shutdown Looms
By Elise Foley
Washington Post: Republicans try — and fail again– to advance DHS spending bill
By Ed O’Keefe and Katie Zezima
Politico: Democrats filibuster DHS bill again
By Seung Min Kim
The Hill: Republican floats compromise on immigration
By Alexander Bolton
Bloomberg: Senate Republicans to Try Reversing Obama Immigration Plan Again
By Heidi Przybyla
The Hill: McConnell plays obstruction card on Dems
By Alexander Bolton
Huffington Post: Mayors Conference To Congress: Pass ‘Clean’ DHS Funding Bill
By Sabrina Siddiqui
Politico: GOP senators block Ted Cruz move to hold up Loretta Lynch vote
By Seung Min Kim
The Hill: Cornyn to oppose Lynch for AG
By Peter Sullivan
Fusion: You probably shouldn’t blame undocumented immigrants for the measles outbreak
By Jordan Fabian
NBC News: Latino Leaders: Maria Echaveste Nomination Politicized
By Suzanne Gamboa
Wall Street Journal: Obama Hosts ‘Dreamers,’ Vows to Block Any Rollback of Immigration Actions
By Byron Tau
NBC News: Obama Promises Dreamers He’ll Veto Bills to Deport Them, Others
By Suzanne Gamboa
Politico: Obama’s immigration actions could overwhelm agency, witness tells Senate
By Seung Min Kim
Huffington Post: BuzzFeed Bolsters Latino Readership With Immigration Coverage, Viral Content
By Jackson Connnor
Houston Public Media (Texas): Houston ‘Dreamer’ Tells President Obama His Story
By Laura Isensee
The Atlantic (Opinion):Is Jeb Bush a Republican Obama?
By David Frum
MSNBC (Maddow Blog): GOP back to ‘impeachment,’ ‘jail time’ for Obama
By Steve Benen
Huffington Post (Op-Ed): The Texas Lawsuit Challenging Obama’s Immigration Executive Actions Will Be Thrown Out — If the Judge Follows the Law
By David Leopold
Roll Call (Opinion): House Freedom Caucus Looks to Be a Force — in Leadership and Lawmaking
By Matt Fuller
Washington Post (Plum Line): Is it too early to call the new GOP Congress a failure?
By Paul Waldman
Huffington Post (Op-Ed): Why are Republicans trying to suppress my fight against militarizing the border?
By Rep. Hank Johnson
Washington Post (Post Partisan Blog): Senate Democrats should be careful about their filibuster strategy
By James Downie
The Hill (Op-Ed): For House Republicans on immigration, 2 plus 2 does not equal 4
By Fernando Espuelas