Sioux City Journal: Group pushes King to halt opposition to Obama’s immigration order
Politico: Conservatives rage against the machine
Bloomberg: U.S. Spending Fight Moves to Senate After Narrow House Passage
New York Times: House Narrowly Passes Bill to Avoid Shutdown; $1.1 Trillion in Spending
Talking Points Memo: As Shutdown Looms, Steve King And Bachmann Hatch Alternative Plan
New York Times: Rep. Steve King: ‘They Drive Wedges Between Us’
Gallup: The Trend Line: Democrats and Nonwhites Support Immigration Action [VIDEO]
New York Times: Lawsuit Against ICE Previews Turmoil That Immigration Overhaul May Cause Its Enforcers
MSNBC: States’ challenge to Obama immigration action gathers steam
NBC News: Applying for Immigration Action Could Begin in Mid-February
Reuters: Senator Hatch sees hope for tech immigration bill in new year
Bloomberg: How the Personal Side of Immigration Politics Plays Out on ‘Jane the Virgin’
Talking Points Memo: The GOP Lawsuit That Could Blow Up Obama’s Immigration Action
Time: Activist Hailed as Face of Immigration Action Makes Her Case Before Congress
New York Times (Taking Note Blog): Finally a News Anchor Challenged the President Over Deportations
Huffington Post (Op-Ed): Is Obama’s New Immigration Policy a Law Enforcement Bonanza?
Washington Post (Plum Line): Morning Plum: Conservatives are right. GOP is caving in face of Obama ‘tyranny.’