The Nation: How the Left Is Revitalizing Itself
NBC News: Immigrants File For Deferred Deportation, Pressure Obama For Changes
Huffington Post: Jose Antonio Vargas Among Undocumented Immigrants Making Urgent Plea To Obama
CNN: Vargas, others appeal to Obama administration on deportations
VOXXI: Undocumented immigrants ask Obama to shield millions from deportation
Washington Times: Ineligible illegals file request to get Dreamer status, force Obama’s hand
Associated Press: Obama Weighs Broader Move on Legal Immigration
Politico: Immigration reform ignored in key House race
Politico: DNC chair: Martin O’Malley right on border kids’ ‘certain death’
Baltimore Sun (Maryland): Immigration court speeds review of cases involving children
Associated Press (New Jersey): Union County to change immigration jail policy
Sun Sentinel (Florida): Chained together, Dreamers fight on
Fox News Latino (Opinion): Opinion: A First-Hand Look Inside Artesia, An Immigrant Detention Center In New Mexico
Washington Post (Opinion): Young Central American migrants’ tale of killings, rape shows need for U.S. protection
Washington Post (Right Turn): Challenges for 2016 hopefuls: Gov. Martin O’Malley
Cincinnati Enquirer (Ohio – Opinion): Immigrants won’t give up on dream
Arizona Republic (Arizona – Opinion): Undocumented may reject Obama executive orders on immigration