As Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump meet for the final Presidential debate in Las Vegas tonight, CNN profiles Trump International Hotel employees who will not be voting for their boss.
Among them are several Latina guest room attendants who, citing his record of anti-immigrant and anti-Latino rhetoric, will be casting their ballots for Clinton instead.
Just last month, Trump was widely-condemned for denigrating Alicia Machado as “Miss Housekeeping,” resulting in an open letter from several hotel guest room workers reminding him they “are the backbone of Las Vegas” deserving of dignity and respect.
“These hands clean the rooms every single day for Mr. Trump so he can be rich,” one guest room attendant — a mom and grandmother of US military service members — told CNN. “He should listen to us, the immigrants, the workers, because we have a lot to teach him.”
“I will vote for Ms. Hillary Clinton, and my family, too,” said another guest room worker. “She fights for keeping families together, she fights for the younger people, for DREAMers.”
“These hands clean the rooms… for Mr. Trump so he can be rich.” Meet the Trump workers who are not voting for him
— CNN Politics (@CNNPolitics) October 19, 2016