English (en español al final de la página):
RadioBilingue: Pilgrimage for the Pope, a Salve Against Trump
By Maribel Hastings
AP: Trump: ‘It’s Disgusting What’s Happening To Our Country”
Washington Post: Trump in Texas: ‘We are a dumping ground for the rest of the world’
By Mary Jordan and Sean Sullivan
Politico: Donald Trump, protesters go big in Texas
By Ben Shreckinger
New York Times: California’s Gavin Newsom Chides Donald Trump on Immigration Plan (and Comb-Over)
By Alan Rappeport
NBCNews: Donald Trump, GOP Frontrunner, Goes Hard on Immigration at Texas Rally
By Ali Vitali
Huffington Post: Trump Supporters Harass Immigration Protesters In Iowa
By Tyler Kingkade
USA Today: Donald Trump’s Great Wall — it didn’t work for the Ming Dynasty either
By Heidi Przybyla
Al Jazeera America: In California, GOP immigration stances a case of deja vu
By Naureen Kahn
CNN: Guns, immigration, abortion increasingly important to voters
By Jennifer Agiesta
Bloomberg: Kasich Says He Backs Obama on Bringing Syrian Refugees to U.S.
By Ian Katz
NBC News: Women Make Pilgrimage From Immigration Detention Center to DC to See Pope
By Griselda Nevarez
Newsweek: Fifty Years Later, the Immigration Bill That Changed America
By Emily Cadei
Media Matters: Sean Hannity: Giving Asylum To Syrian Refugees Is “The Dumbest Thing I’ve Ever Heard”
Houston Press (Texas): Woman Arrested At Gynecologist Appointment Could Face Deportation
By Michael Barajas
Politico Florida (Florida): Ingoglia lays out Florida GOP’s 2016 strategy
By Matt Dixon
Iowa State Daily (Iowa): Woman rips students’ Trump protest poster
By Makayla Tendall
Washington Post (Opinion): Americans and the needs of strangers
By EJ Dionne
Washington Post (Opinion): Angela Merkel is a better leader for America than Donald Trump
By Richard Cohen
USA Today (Op-Ed): Refugees bring security risks
By Rep. Peter King
New York Magazine (Opinion): Pope Francis’s Refugee Morality Play
By Lisa Miller
Washington Post (Plum Line): Republicans think Donald Trump is trustworthy, empathetic, and well suited to presidency
By Greg Sargent
Bloomberg View (Opinion): Trump Is Aggravating Republicans’ Race Problem
By Francis Wilkinson
Washington Post (The Fix): The GOP’s strategy to recruit black and Latino candidates has a gaping hole
By Janell Ross
Washington Post (The Fix): Donald Trump’s biggest, hugest false claim
By Janell Ross
Salon (Opinion): GOP’s Hispanic rebrand delusions: The party’s problems go far beyond “tone”
By Simon Maloy
Forbes (Opinion): Trump’s Deportation Plan ‘Prohibitively Expensive’
By Dolia Estevez
En español:
Una vez más: ¿Y qué diría Ronald Reagan?
Por Maribel Hastings
Jeb Bush y su esposa lanzan video sobre los hispanos
Trump y sus políticas no son favoritos entre los estadounidenses
Debate republicano genera protestas y contrastes con Ronald Reagan
Radio en español se centra en Trump y la campaña republicana
70% de los latinos tiene una imagen negativa de Trump
A la sombra de Trump, Ted Cruz quiere conquistar el voto de las mujeres
Trump y Carson despuntan en sondeos mientras Bush y Clinton siguen cayendo
Arnold Schwarzenegger reemplazará a Donald Trump y éste reacciona
Planean boicot en foro donde participará Donald Trump
Hillary Clinton pareciera gozar de una popularidad inigualable entre los latinos (Video)
Qué hacer con los refugiados sirios
Inmigrantes mutilados ayunan frente a Casa Blanca
Inmigrantes mutilados ayunarán 10 días frente a Casa Blanca ante visita papal
Mutilados por “La Bestia” ayunarán por audiencia con Obama
Cien mujeres emprenden caminata para pedir al Papa que apoye a indocumentados
Jersey Vargas y grupo de mujeres indocumentadas acudirán al Congreso para ver al Papa
100 mujeres marchan 100 días para encontarse con el Papa en EEUU (Video)
Violencia, trauma y acoso: calvario de niños migrantes en Los Ángeles
Campesinas mexicanas víctimas de acoso sexual recibirán millonaria compensación
Candidato Morales: migración de guatemaltecos no tiene solución a corto plazo