English (en español al final de la página):
Bloomberg View (Opinion): GOP Criticizes Trump, Insulting Hispanics Again
By Francis Wilkinson
Al Jazeera America: Republicans forced to confront Donald Trump’s challenge
By Naureen Kahn
New York Times: John Kasich on the Issues
By Gerry Mullany
Washington Post: Ohio’s Kasich poised to join big field of GOP candidates
By Dan Balz
Wall Street Journal: Then There Were 16: John Kasich to Enter GOP Fray
By Colleen McCain Nelson
Politico: Des Moines Register: Trump should bow out
By Hanna Trudo
AP: Disavowed by GOP Leaders, Trump Has Supporters Cheering
Washington Post: Poll: Trump surges to big lead in GOP presidential race
By Dan Balz and Peyston Craighill
New York Times: Donald Trump Continues to Have Strong Support in Iowa
By Alan Rappeport
National Journal: What Donald Trump’s Surge Meant
By Charlie Cook
CQ: Steinle’s Dad, Victims’ Kin to Speak at Immigration Hearing
By Emily Wilkins
MSNBC: Dad of San Francisco woman slain by immigrant to testify before Congress
By Amanda Sakuma
AP: House to Take Up Bill Blocking Money for ‘Sanctuary Cities’
The Hill: Advocacy groups to Congress: Don’t undermine ‘sanctuary cities’
By Rebecca Shabad
The Hill: House to vote on blocking federal grants to sanctuary cities
By Cristina Marcos and Mike Lillis
Politico: Immigration advocates warn against ‘sanctuary city’ crackdown
By Seung Min Kim
AP: Appeals Court: Immigration Detainers Require Probable Cause
By Michelle R. Smith
Wall Street Journal (Editorial): Trump and His Apologists
Bloomberg View (Editorial): Fighting the Wrong War at the U.S. Border
New Yorker (Opinion): American Limbo
By Jeffrey Toobin
Wall Street Journal (Opinion): Avoiding the Trump Trap on Immigration
By Fred Barnes
Wall Street Journal (Op-Ed): Breaking Down the GOP Silence on Trump’s Immigration Rhetoric
By Dan Schnur
Washington Post (Post Partisan): How selective outrage over Trump is dooming the GOP
By Jonathan Capehart
Washington Post (Post Partisan): The beginning of the end of Trump
By Jonathan Capehart
Daily Beast (Opinion): Sorry, Folks: Trump Ain’t Cooked Yet
By Michael Tomasky
Rolling Stone (Opinion): The Summer of Killer Immigrants, Brought to You by Bill O’Reilly
By Matt Taibbi
Des Moines Register (Editorial-Iowa): Trump should pull the plug on his bloviating side show
En español:
El sabio consejo de Pitbull
Por Maribel Hastings
Corte: Inmigrantes no pueden ser detenidos sin causa
Repudio tras comentarios de Trump a McCain
Trump descalifica a McCain como héroe de guerra
Trump arremete contra el senador John McCain y propone un ‘boicot’ contra México
Donald Trump aventaja en encuesta por candidatura republicana a la Casa Blanca
DREAMers temen entregar permisos de trabajo
Hija de indocumentado mexicano cuestiona precandidato republicano a la presidencia
El mundo al revés de Donald Trump
NY ofrece abogado a cada niño inmigrante que llegue solo a la ciudad
Nueva York ofrece abogado niños migrantes que llegan solos a la ciudad
NY ofrece abogado a cada niño inmigrante que llega solo
Preocupación por alto número de niños que se encuentran en un ‘limbo migratorio’ en
Media Matters: expertos latinos prácticamente invisibles en programas dominicales según informe
Estados Unidos evita poner fecha a deportación de 35,106 cubanos
Pareja separada por una deportación se casa en muro fronterizo que divide a Tijuana y San Diego