English (en español al final de la página):
National Journal: GOP May Not Take Back the White House Without Latino Voters
By Emily Deruy
NBC News: GOP 2016 Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino Vote, Says Study
By Griselda Nevarez
McClatchy: GOP needs much bigger share of Latino vote for ‘16 win, study finds
By David Lightman
EFE: Republicans need 47 pct. of Latino vote to win White House
Los Angeles Times: New data suggest GOP 2016 nominee will need to win nearly half of Latino vote
By Lisa Mascaro
Columbus Dispatch (Ohio): Group: GOP candidate needs Ohio’s Latino vote
By Randy Ludlow
Augusta Free Press (Virginia): Group: Republicans need bigger share of Latino vote to win in 2016
Wall Street Journal: Scott Walker, Confronted by Immigrant in Iowa, Blames Obama for Family’s Uncertainty
By Reid Epstein
Washington Post: Scott Walker tells undocumented worker that immigrants must follow the law
By Jenna Johnson
Journal Sentinel (Wisconsin): Walker visits Iowa hometown, gets earful on immigration
By Patrick Marley
Wall Street Journal: One Subject Scott Walker Won’t Talk About: Donald Trump
By Reid J. Epstein
Washington Post: Hillary Clinton slams Trump over criticism of McCain
By Sean Sullivan
Politico: Hillary Clinton slams Trump’s ‘shameful’ comments on McCain’s war record
By Annie Karni
AP: GOP sheds cautious approach to Trump — but he may not care
By Julie Pace
Fox News: Fox News Poll: Reshuffling of GOP field, many agree with Trump on immigration
By Dana Blanton
Latino Post: George Lopez Leads Audience in Profane Anti-Donald Trump Chant: ‘F***’ Him
By Ma Elena
Vox: John Kasich is the most interesting GOP presidential contender
By Andrew Prokop
Politico: Poll: Bush has edge over Rubio among Miami Cuban voters
By Marc Caputo
Los Angeles Times: Hillary Clinton’s political director brings key lessons from her own (losing) campaign
By Evan Halper
Politico: Steve King: I’m as Hispanic as Julian Castro
By Eliza Collins
NBCNews: Que, Que? Rep. Steve King Says He’s as Latino as Julián Castro
By Suzanne Gamboa
MSNBC: Immigration takes center stage at Netroots Nation
By Nisha Chittal
Los Angeles Times: LA County considers new immigration program for jails in light of SF slaying
By Kate Linthicum and Lee Romney
The Nation: What’s Next for the Domestic Workers Movement?
By Ai-jen Poo and Andrea Cristina Mercado
Bloomberg View (Opinion): Facing the Facts on Illegal Immigration
By Albert R. Hunt
New York Times (Upshot): The Trump Campaign’s Turning Point
By Nate Cohn
USAToday (Op-Ed): I don’t need to be lectured
By Donald Trump
Huffington Post (Opinion): Donald Trump and Immigration
By Andy Schupak
Washington Post (Opinion): Stop laughing at Donald Trump
By William H. Frey
Washington Post (Plum Line): Morning Plum: A lot of Republican voters agree with Donald Trump. What does that mean?
By Greg Sargent
ABC News: Scott Walker Confronted by Undocumented Worker During Stop to Childhood Hometown
Wisconsin State Journal: Return to Plainfield highlights promise, pitfalls of Scott Walker campaign
En español:
Republicanos necesitan 47% del voto latino para ganar la Casa Blanca
Martin O’Malley en Al Punto con Jorge Ramos
Pitbull a Donald Trump: Hablaste muy mal de nosotros
Pitbull y sus fuertes comentarios a Trump
Republicanos arremeten contra Trump por dichos sobre McCain
Santuarios y la reforma migratoria
Sin acuerdo entre el gobierno e inmigrantes para cerrar centros familiares de ICE
Por Jorge Cancino
No logran acuerdo en caso de familias detenidas en Estados Unidos
Un año después de la crisis migratoria, miles de niños inmigrantes siguen atrapados en el limbo
Por Jorge Cancino
Proponen nuevos cambios a la Ley del Castigo
Por Jorge Cancino
Simplifican trámite migratorio a familiares
Agricultores de California apoyan medida para trabajadores indocumentados
Peligran licencias de conducir para DREAMers en California
Casi 400 mil indocumentados tienen licencia de conducir en California
Más de 35 mil cubanos podrían ser repatriados a la Isla desde Estados Unidos
Con las embajadas, miles de cubanos en EEUU ahora temen ser deportados
Por Alicia Caldwell y Curt Anderson
La emigración crece como plan de vida de los venezolanos
Por Ernesto Tovar