English (en español al final de la página):
GOP immigration stances harden ahead of debate
By Dan Nowicki
New York Times: Donald Trump and the G.O.P. Debate: Policy Is Not His Point
By Trip Gabriel
Washington Post (The Fix): The top 10 issues you’ll likely hear about in Thursday’s debate[EXCERPT]
By Amber Phillips
Wall Street Journal (Opinion): What to Look for on Debate Night
By Fred Barnes
National Journal: How Each Presidential Candidate Can Win (or Lose) the First 2016 Debate
By Adam Wollner
Huffington Post: 4 Charts That Explain How Latino Voters Feel About 2016 Presidential Candidates
By Yujia Pan
Arizona Republic: 5 questions on immigration to know before GOP debate
By Daniel Gonzalez
Washington Post: Marco Rubio will be welcomed to Cleveland at restaurant of pro-marijuana backer
By Colby Itkowitz
Buzzfeed: Members Of Congress Call For Reform Of Guest Worker Program
By Jessica Garrison and Ken Bensinger
Washington Post: He’s an American success story . . . but it’s a difficult path to citizenship
By Steven Goff
Washington Post (Virginia): At Latino summit, McAuliffe’s message is direct: Don’t forget to vote
By Antonio Olivo
New Yorker (Opinion): Should I Use the Term “Illegal Immigrant”?
By Jeffrey Toobin
Huffington Post (Op-Ed): Demanding Guestworker Reforms Is Pro-Immigrant
By Richard Trumka
Huffington Post (Op-Ed): Legal Immigration Key Driver of Economic Growth in U.S.
By Dick Burke
Wall Street Journal (Op-Ed): Which Donald Trump Will Debate?
By Karl Rove
Politico Magazine (Opinion): How Jeb and the GOP Got Trumped
By Glenn Thrush and Alex Isenstadt
National Review (Opinion): Jeb Bush’s Immigration Plan, Brought to You by Chuck Schumer
By Mark Krikorian
The Hill (Op-Ed): Rubio Is No Champion for Immigration Reform or Latino Voters
By Regina Clemente and Jocelyn Torres
The Hill (Op-Ed): Misleading Rhetoric From Republican Candidates and Congressional Leaders Distracts From Real Immigration Solution
By Lizet Ocampo
The Hill (Op-Ed): The immigration debate people actually want to hear
By Kica Matos
Longview News Journal (Opinion): Listen to what Trump is really saying about immigration
By Ruben Navarette
Salon (Opinion): “Pull your pants up, you look like a damn idiot”: Another Trump staffer nailed for racist Facebook posts
By Sophia Tesfaye
En español:
Candidatos republicanos se preparan para debatir en Ohio
Diez precandidatos con mayor apoyo participarán del primer debate republicano
Guía para los latinos sobre el primer debate presidencial republicano
El camarote de los hermanos Marx republicano
Hillary Clinton critica a republicanos sobre inmigración
Bill Clinton anima a Trump a “involucrarse más” en el Partido Republicano
Sin acción federal debemos actuar localmente
Por Gil Cedillo, concejal de Los Angeles
ICE refuerza seguridad en frontera mexicana
Racismo: un “problema mayor” para los latinos en Estados Unidos
Polémica por comisionados indocumentados
Cambios en cooperación federal y estatal afectan a las leyes migratorias
Immigrantes centroamericanos protestan retrasos en renovación de TPS
Jornaleros construyen silla que usará Papa Francisco en misa en Nueva York
Organizaciones piden al gobierno frenar arresto de migrantes transgénero
Indocumentados de Carolina del Norte piden en protesta licencias de conducir
Indocumentada refugiada en iglesia de Georgia aguarda milagro para quedarse en Estados Unidos
Estados Unidos deporta a 121 indocumentados hondureños
Activista Mexicana afronta nueva amenaza de deportación tras seis años de lucha