English (en español al final de la página):
AP: Trump Proposals Risk Deepening GOP Rift on Immigration
By Julie Pace and Bill Barrow
Vox: The conservative establishment is in deep denial about Donald Trump’s appeal
By Matthew Yglesius
Yahoo News: Univision’s Jorge Ramos Comes Out Swinging: ‘It’s Not Donald Trump’s Country, This Is Our Country’
By Itay Hod
Washington Post: Donald Trump and the shadow of Europe’s far-right
By Ishaan Tharoor
Bloomberg: Is Donald Trump Just a Summer Fling?
By Ken Goldstein
Politico: The Invincible Trump
By Ben Shreckinger and Hadas Gold
Vice: Why White Supremacists Love Donald Trump
By Peter Rugh
The Hill: Ricky Martin: Trump makes my ‘blood boil’
By Judy Kurtz
NPR: Democratic Group Fires A Warning Shot With Immigration Attack Ad
By Peter Overby
Wall Street Journal: Clinton Super PAC Attacks Jeb Bush Over ‘Anchor Babies’
By Rebecca Ballhaus
National Journal: Bernie Sanders Has a Nevada Problem
By Emily Schultheis
MSNBC: Carly Fiorina rails against ‘industry’ of Chinese women having US babies
By Adam Howard
National Journal: Ted Cruz Is Stalking Donald Trump
By Tim Alberta
MSNBC: Cruz hedges on controversial immigration posture
By Steve Benen
The Hill: Rising Kasich threatens Bush
By Jesse Byrnes
Huffington Post: These Countries Show Why Losing Birthright Citizenship Could Be A Disaster
By Elise Foley, Charlotte Alfred, and Roque Planas
Sun Sentinel (Florida): Poll: Most Florida voters oppose Trump’s mass-deportation plan
By William Gibson
NewsLI.com (New York): No Translation Required: Long Island Latinos Say “They Get” Donald Trump’s Message
By Mike Clifford
GreenvilleOnline.Com (South Carolina): Grassroots group plans to confront Trump over immigration in Greenville
By Amanda Coyne and David Dkyes
New York Times (Opinion):The Anti-Trump Cometh
By Timothy Egan
New York Times (Opinion): Enough Is Enough
By Charles Blow
Washington Post (Plum Line): How Democrats will use Donald Trump to try to destroy GOP among Latinos
By Greg Sargent
Washington Post: The GOP’s denial won’t defeat Trump
By Eugene Robinson
Wall Street Journal (Opinion): America Is So in Play
By Peggy Noonan
Washington Post (The Fix): Donald Trump is headed to Nashville — a city that attempted its own Trumpian immigration laws
By Janell Ross
Washington Post: Who had the worst week in Washington? Jeb Bush.
By Chris Cillizza
Washington Post (Opinion): America has always been hostile to immigrants
By Catherine Rampell
Huffington Post (Op-Ed): From a Recipient of Birthright Citizenship: Immigration Made America Great, Because Immigrants Are Us
By Michael Shammas
Huffington Post (Op-Ed): ‘Anchor Babies’ and Other Horror Stories About Immigrants: Be Not Afraid
By John Tirman
The Hill (Op-Ed): Hate label ‘anchor babies’ enters the 2016 playground
By Chris Spatola
Lancaster Online (Opinion-Pennsylvania): Let qualified students contribute; support the Pa. DREAM Act
By Carlos Adolfo Gonzalez Sierra
Cincinnati.com (Opinion-Ohio): On immigration, Kasich just as extreme as Trump
By Isabelle Framer
Las Vegas Review Journal (Nevada): Heck: Immigration reform talks should include birthright citizenship
En español:
Anclados a la intolerancia
Por Maribel Hastings
Plan de Trump aumenta división republicana en inmigración
Por qué sigue creciendo la burbuja de Trump
Donald Trump arremetió contra el New York Times (Video)
Ricky Martin defiende a Jorge Ramos en carta abierta publicada en la web de Univision
Inmigrantes expresan en Carolina del Sur rechazo a la candidatura de Trump
Encuesta: Bush no es adversario para Trump y Biden haría mejor papel que Clinton
Joe Biden obstaculizaría camino de Hillary Clinton a la Casa Blanca
La SIP critica “exabrupto” de Trump contra periodista Jorge Ramos
Trump vuelve a cargar contra Jorge Ramos en un mitin más cómico que político
Y Jorge Ramos regresa a Univision (Video)
Jorge Ramos explicó las razones por las que fue expulsado por Donald Trump
Megyn Kelly entrevista a Jorge Ramos tras ser expulsado por Trump
Trump se queja de los medios hispanos pero no les da acceso
Presidente de Univision: el trato de Trump “despreciable”
Ramos, Trump y el periodismo de barricada
Por Jorge Dávila Miguel
Carta del Editor: En defensa del periodismo
Jorge Ramos es un provocador
Por Edgar Muñoz
Juez de EE.UU. decidirá si iniciar juicio a mexicano sospechoso de homicidio
Regresa el primer grupo de mexicanos deportados entre 2009 y 2014
Inmigrantes ganan demanda colectiva a EEUU
Campaña en redes para mantener unidas a las familias
Cuestionan programa federal que sustituye Comunidades Seguras
Madre indocumentada dice que vivió un infierno en un centro de detención en Texas
Congresistas EEUU interceden ante Inmigración por cubanos varados en Colombia
Indocumentados quieren ser favorecidos por Obamacare (Video)