English (en español al final de la página):
Los Angeles Times (Op-Ed): GOP and Latinos: On immigration, history shows the way
By Joe Trippi
The Toledo Blade (Ohio): Group says Ohio will be at forefront of debate
By Lauren Lindstrom
Politico : Poll: Anger at Washington fuels Trump’s rise
By Nick Gass
CNN: What’s behind the Trump Bump? A disgruntled GOP electorate
By Jennifer Agiesta
Washington Post: Trump talk dominates the Sunday shows, providing an opening for low-polling rivals
By Wesley Lowry
The Hill: Trump on immigration: Get rid of ‘bad dudes’
By Sarah Ferris
AP: Trump’s Hardline Views Divide Hispanics in Texas Border Town
The Hill: RNC chief: GOP candidates should pledge not to seek third party
By Ben Kamisar
Washington Post: Jeb Bush to seek Latino support in Central Florida
By Ed O’Keefe
Washington Post: Exodus from Puerto Rico could upend Florida vote in 2016 presidential race
By Mary Jordan
New York Times: Judge Orders Release of Immigrant Children Detained by U.S.
By Julia Preston
NPR: After Court Ruling, 3 Immigration Detention Centers Could Close
By Alexandra Starr
Fusion: Release from detention centers isn’t the end of undocumented women and children’s struggles
By John Walker
Reuters: Judge Rules U.S. Government Should Not Hold Immigrant Children
Los Angeles Times: Judge blasts ICE, says immigrant children, parents in detention centers should be released
By Cindy Carcamo
National Journal: Should the Government Help Eight Million Immigrants Become U.S. citizens?
By Alexia Fernandez Campbell
Los Angeles Times: Immigrant lawyers handling a border surge: ‘This is really an emergency room situation’
By Molly Hennessey-Fiske
Washington Post: Report: Obama administration policy shift could ‘substantially transform’ immigration system, lower deportations
By Jerry Markon
Fox News: Economic consequences of illegal immigration [VIDEO]
AP (Arizona): Judge Chastises Arpaio’s Lawyers for Withholding Records
AP (Arizona): US Marshals seize records inside Arpaio offices
New York Times (Op-Ed): Trump Is the Poison His Party Concocted
By Timothy Egan
New York Daily News (Opinion): The GOP’s dispiriting immigration reversal: As Donald Trump plays demagogue, Jeb Bush and Scott Walker go wobbly. Will the GOP have a true pro-newcomer candidate?
By Ira Stoll
Real Clear Politics (Opinion): Why Immigration Won’t Help Dems in 2016
By Jonathan Tobin
The Hill (Op-Ed): Congress is at it again with outdated, regressive immigration policy
By Sayu Bhojwani
The Sacramento Bee (Op-Ed-California): ‘Kate’s Law’ is a misguided reaction to tragedy
By Kevin R. Johnson and Rose Cuison Villazor
The Sacramento Bee (Op-Ed-California): Keep clear, separate roles for local law enforcement and ICE
By William Lansdowne
Plain Dealer (Op-Ed-Ohio): I was an unaccompanied child
By Jon Bul Dau
En español:
El sabio consejo de Pitbull
Por Maribel Hastings
Republicanos se preparan para debates calientes con Trump
Trump, la atracción mediática y su éxito
Soñadores en gira contra “odio racial” de Trump
“Hay candidatos muy capacitados y Donald Trump no es uno de ellos”: Lincoln Díaz-Balart
¿Beneficiosa para los inmigrantes la visita de Trump a Laredo?
Loretta Sánchez envía un mensaje a Donald Trump
Trump sigue al frente de la contienda republicana pese a escándalos
Corte dictamina que ICE viola acuerdo judicial al detener a niños migrantes
Jueza dice que gobierno viola tiempo de detención de niños migrantes
Jueza de California declara que detención de menores y madres indocumentadas viola acuerdo de 1997
Juez reprende a Arpaio por no entregar documentación
Exigen justicia para hispano muerto en frontera hace cuatro años en Arizona
Detenidos en Honduras 21 inmigrantes cubanos que pretendían viajar a Estados Unidos
Hondureña sufrió en las ‘hieleras’ de los centros de migración
Homenajean a maestros amparados por DACA
Maestros “DACAmentados” homenajeados en la Casa Blanca
Guatemaltecos: comienza el trámite del DPI en Estados Unidos
EE.UU. ha deportado a más de 10.000 hondureños en lo que va de 2015