An estimated 1,000 Yemini-owned New York City business shut their doors — and hundreds more rallied throughout the day — in protest of Donald Trump’s unlawful immigration order targeting Muslims and refugees.
In a news release, organizers said the boycott was meant to show “the vital role these grocers and their families play in New York’s economic and social fabric and, during this period, grocery store owners will spend time with their families and loved ones to support each other; many of these families have been directly affected by the ban.”
The images shared by many on social media showed just how personal this ban for countless Muslim-American families.
— katie 🌹 (@katieraffa) February 2, 2017
A friend just texted me from a bodega in Brooklyn.
— kate sullivan (@teadrunkkate) February 2, 2017
#IStandWithMyBodegaGuys #myyemenineighbor
— Philip Leff (@philipleff) February 2, 2017
Every single store in South Williamsburg is closed ✊🏽 #bodegastrike #MyYemeniNeighbor
— Mary Emily O’Hara (@MaryEmilyOHara) February 2, 2017
#BodegaStrike 1st and 7th ave Brooklyn
— Adam H. Johnson (@adamjohnsonNYC) February 2, 2017
As the Village Voice reports, the park outside Brooklyn Borough Hall “was already packed with hundreds of protesters” hours before the noon boycott was scheduled to begin. Hundreds continued to arrive throughout the night, with many praying in groups for their families and loved ones.
As one point, says the Village Voice, the park was covered “with so many American flags waving in the air that one watching from a distance would think it were a pro-Trump rally were it not for the fact that they were mixed in with chants of ‘No ban! No wall!’”
Happening now. #BodegaStrike in Brooklyn. More American flags than I’ve seen at any protest. #NoBanNoWall
— Raqiyah Mays (@RaqiyahMays) February 2, 2017
#bodegastrike Brooklyn Borough Hall
— Clorinda Valenti (@ClorindaValenti) February 2, 2017
The #BodegaStrike rally keeps breaking into loud chants of “USA!”
— Christopher Mathias (@letsgomathias) February 2, 2017
The Yemeni-led #bodegastrike rally is perhaps the most explicitly patriotic protest I’ve ever been to
— Molly Crabapple (@mollycrabapple) February 2, 2017
New Yorkers support #MyYemeniNeighbor! #TakinCareOfBusiness #BodegaStrike
— ANHD (@ANHDNYC) February 2, 2017
“Donald Trump you work for us. #NoBanNoWall. We are united & we will stand up & we will fight back”#BodegaStrike
— Maryam Jamshidi (@MsJamshidi) February 2, 2017
Hey, if you know a bodega that’s closed right now for the strike, maybe go out of your way to patronize it tomorrow. #bodegastrike
— Shana Mlawski (@ShanaMlawski) February 2, 2017
.@IDaneekMiller, the only Muslim @NYCCouncil member: “This is what democracy looks like.” #BodegaStrike #MyYemeniNeighbor
— Benjamin Fang (@benfangBQE) February 2, 2017
Some signs here at #BodegaStrike #MyYemeniNeighbor
— Benjamin Fang (@benfangBQE) February 2, 2017
Large turnout for #BodegaStrike in downtown Brooklyn
— Dan Patterson (@DanPatterson) February 2, 2017
We are high over Brooklyn watching a crowd of Yemenis pray during the NY #BodegaStrike. Watch live on Facebook:
— CNN (@CNN) February 2, 2017
1 lesson of #BodegaStrike + #DeleteUber: time 2 follow (+ leverage) the $$$ 2 build #TheResistance. If we can move Uber, we can move anyone.
— Daniel Altschuler (@altochulo) February 2, 2017
Amazing turn out at #bodegastrike – we are proud to stand with our Yemeni brothers and sisters
— NYIC (@thenyic) February 3, 2017