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10 Things You Need to Know About Project 2025 on Immigration 

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The recent exposure of Project 2025 has caused its authors and supporters to make a strategic retreat as they try to hide their racist and unpopular agenda. Yet this is nothing more than a cheap stunt in an attempt to avoid scrutiny of the radical agenda. Whatever they brand it, it remains an extreme policy agenda out of step with the American public. 

The immigration sections lay out a detailed plan to separate American families and dramatically cut legal immigration. This amounts to a major overhaul of our nation’s immigration system, which will have far-reaching implications for our economy. The policies included in Project 2025 and public statements from key leaders in organizations that make up the Advisory Board make clear that they seek to accomplish their goals of greatly reducing legal immigration while implementing mass deportation. 

We read it, so you don’t have to. Below we outline the top 10 things you need to know about Project 2025 on immigration. 

  • Mass Deportation and Family Separation:  The leading Project 2025 architect  Kevin Roberts, President of the Heritage Foundation, stated that mass deportation was a top priority. Mass deportation is mass family separation. Project 2025 seeks to rip apart American families, not limited to new arrivals; the plan seeks to target the 80% of the undocumented population who have called the US home for more than a decade, including the Dreamers, TPS holders, and immediate family members of U.S. citizens. More HERE
  • Undercutting Protections for Children: The plan would eliminate important benefits for unaccompanied children and make it easier to detain kids in cages calling for mass detention of children. One estimate found that 4.4 million US citizen children could be affected by the mass deportation plan because of their undocumented parents.  
  • Attacks on Dreamers and Ending DACA: Project 2025 outlines a plan to eliminate DACA, which protects hundreds of thousands of immigrants working and building lives in the United States. The successful DACA program is already being attacked by opponents in the courts.
  • Withholding Funds from US Citizens: A Niskanen Center analysis found that the plan seeks to block federal financial aid for up to two-thirds of all American college students, in order to block Dreamers from accessing college. 
  • Dramatically Cutting Legal Immigration: Project 2025 calls for eliminating family-based immigration and would create massive new restrictions on legal immigration by barring certain groups or nationalities. 
  • Raid Schools, Hospitals, and Religious Institutions: The plan also calls for returning to a style of dragnet raids that the ACLU criticized for its racist and abusive tactics. It also calls for removing prohibitions on ICE acting in “sensitive zones,” thus allowing raids on schools, hospitals, and religious institutions as well as protests. 
  • Suspending Due Process: The plan would eliminate the right to a day in court and would allow for arrests and detentions without a warrant.
  • Use of the Military and Red State Armies: The plan would enact a national show-me-your-papers force of local police and the military for mass roundups across the nation and harsh military crackdowns along the border, some calling for red states to send their National Guard into blue states to carry out roundups. 
  • Wrecking our economy: Economists agree that  Project 2025 would inflict an economic disaster, killing jobs and hiking inflation for working families across the nation regardless of immigration status, with key industries like agriculture, construction, health care and elder care being devastated.
  • Written by white nationalists: The writers and contributors are vocal promoters of white nationalist conspiracy theories and racist ideas.