When Mitt Romney tried to open up a line of attack on President Obama over immigration this week, he brought the issue into the forefront of the 2012 presidential contest once again. Apparently, the Romney campaign is finally paying attention to Latino opinion polls, and has concluded that if the candidate can’t compete for the Latino vote, the best he can do is suppress it. Romney’s strategy will no doubt be echoed by Republican-aligned super PACs and special interest groups heading into the fall.
This development makes the release of a new model to assess Latino voters’ influence in the 2012 cycle extremely timely. Developed by Latino Decisions, the model will be unveiled on a Thursday afternoon webinar at 2 PM Eastern along with America’s Voice Education Fund.
The stakes are clear regarding the role of Latino voters this cycle, and how the two parties’ handling of immigration and other issues will influence these voters. Joe Klein wrote on his blog for Time Magazine, “Latino voters know that Romney’s draconian and silly position on immigration–his utter refusal to discuss what to do about the 11 or so millions of immigrants who are here illegally–was pure politics, a squalid attempt to pander to the nativist base of his party. That is why he is rocking along with about 14% support from Latinos in the polls. That is why this is one sketchy sketch he won’t be able to unetch.”
At Talking Points Memo, Pema Levy noted that, “Democrats have been working hard to portray Mitt Romney as the most radical candidate on immigration in modern history. He has, they note, promised to veto the Dream Act, urged ‘self-deportation’ and tapped the architect of the controversial Arizona and Alabama immigration laws as a campaign adviser. Many observers are waiting for Romney to tamp down his immigration rhetoric as part of his pivot to the general election. But some immigration activists suggest he’ll take a slightly different tack: Instead of softening his stance to win over Latino voters, they expect Romney will simply try to disenchant them so they don’t vote for Obama.”
On Thursday April 5th on a 11:00 PST / 2:00 PM EST webinar, Latino Decisions will reveal a ground-breaking new model analyzing Latino voter influence in the 2012 presidential, Senate, and gubernatorial races and providing important context for why Romney is on the attack over immigration. Supported by America’s Voice Education Fund, this new framework developed by the political scientists and statisticians at Latino Decisions identifies how various Latino voter turnout and vote preference scenarios could impact key 2012 races. The model uses historical turnout information and real-time polling data to develop different scenarios that could play out in the upcoming election in key Latino influence states.
Space is limited on the webinar: to reserve your spot, register at: https://www4.gotomeeting.com/register/348144303.
America’s Voice – Harnessing the power of American voices and American values to win common sense immigration reform.