Last night, there were two television options for people interested in immigration reform. PBS premiered a documentary, “Lost in Detention,” which was produced by Maria Hinojosa, which “examine[d] the Obama administration’s controversial get-tough immigration policy.” Meanwhile, CNN broadcast another GOP presidential debate, this one from Las Vegas. “Lost in Detention” exposed our controversial immigration policy while the GOP debate showed the ugly side of immigration politics. Both could impact the 2012 elections.
The sprint to the right by the Republican presidential candidates, which was on display yet again at last night’s debate, should be helpful to President Obama’s reelection. It should be. But, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) continues to undercut his Latino outreach efforts.
Last night’s debate, as expected, featured more fireworks over the issue of immigration and turned into a contest of who could talk tougher on the issue. Governor Rick Perry (TX) launched an attack on Governor Mitt Romney’s (MA) employment of undocumented workers. In an attempt to defend his record, Romney tried explained why he insisted his workforce be legal by saying:
I’m running for office for Pete’s sake, I can’t have illegals.
Watch part of Romney’s exchange with Governor Perry here: