Frank Sharry: “While Newt’s candidacy may still go off the rails, it won’t be because of his immigration position. In fact, his numbers seem to keep going up”
New York Times: Gingrich Risks Conservative Outrage on Immigration [New York Times, 11/23/2011, 2011]
Associated Press: Gingrich could draw GOP ire on immigration “’Newt did himself significant harm tonight on immigration among caucus and primary voters,’ tweeted Tim Albrecht, deputy chief of staff to Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad, whose state holds the lead-off caucuses in January.” [Associated Press, 11/24/11]
POLITICO: “Newt Gingrich’s advocacy of a path to citizenship for some of the country’s 11 million illegal immigrants didn’t just anger his fellow presidential contenders, it may have created a full-blown Iowa problem for his campaign.” [POLITICO, 11/26/11]
Tom Tancredo Op-Ed: Can GOP accept Newt’s immigration policy? – “If Republican voters learn the truth about Gingrich’s immigration policies, he may well face the same fate” (as Rick Perry) – [POLITICO, 12/2/11]
William Gheen, “president of the Americans for Legal Immigration PAC, said Gingrich’s campaign “will now take the ‘Perry plunge.'” [AP, 11/24/11]
Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Immigration plan isn’t hurting Gingrich bid [AJC, 12/7/11]
Huffington Post/Pollster – Power Outsiders Poll: Local Republicans Support Gingrich On Immigration [Huffington Post, 12/7/11]
United Technologies/National Journal Congressional Connection Poll: “Public Wants Immigrants to Be Able to Stay”: [National Journal, 12/7/11]
POLITICO: Poll: Immigration not a priority for Iowa voters [POLITICO, 12/6/11]
New York Times/CBS News: Immigration Not Animating Issue for Republican Voters in 2012 Cycle: [New York Times, 12/7/11]
Washington-Post/ABC News: Washington Post-ABC News poll of potential Iowa caucus-goers found, “On immigration — where Gingrich and Romney squared off in a recent debate — 27 percent trust Gingrich the most to Romney’s 8 percent, with Perry and Paul in between, at 18 and 13 percent, respectively.” The poll also asked likely caucus-goers their specific reaction to “Newt Gingrich’s position on illegal immigration,” finding that for 38 percent it was a “major reason to support” Gingrich compared to only 15 percent for whom it was a “major reason to oppose.” [Washington Post, 12/6/11]
Public Policy Polling: Public Policy Polling (PPP) released their own new poll of Iowa Republican caucus-goers and found there was “not much evidence that Gingrich’s immigration stance will prove to be an issue. Only 29% of caucus voters think illegal immigrants who have been in the country for 25 years and paid their taxes and obeyed the law should be deported, to 44% who think they should not be. Something may sink Newt’s campaign in the next month, but it’s not likely to be that issue.” [PPP, 12/6/11]
America’s Voice — Harnessing the power of American voices and American values to win common sense immigration reform.