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Immigration Reform News Today / Qué Pasa En Inmigración, August 21, 2015

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English (en español al final de la página):

New York Times: Jeb Bush Cites Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio in Defending Birthright Citizenship
By Ashley Parker

Politico: Jeb Bush: ‘Anchor babies’ is not an offensive term
By Eli Stokols and Eliza Collins

Washington Post: Jeb Bush: ‘Anchor babies’ isn’t offensive
By Ed O’Keefe

MSNBC: Jeb Bush doubles down on ‘anchor baby’ remark
By Amanda Sakuma

Vox: Jeb Bush is the latest victim of the Trump effect
By Matthew Yglesias

New York Times: Discussing Immigration, Donald Trump and Jeb Bush Use an Offensive Term
By Alan Rappeport

Politico: Trump organization seeks peace with Hispanic media
By Hadas Gold

Washington Post: Inside the GOP field’s new strategies to ride out the Trump tornado
By Robert Costa and Phillip Rucker

NPR: How Realistic Is Donald Trump’s Immigration Plan?
By John Burnett

USA Today: Trump and allies plot path to victory
By David Jackson and Jennifer Jacobs

Bloomberg: Where Donald Trump and Ted Cruz Completely Disagree on Immigration
By Sahil Kapur

New York Times: A Beating in Boston, Said to Be Inspired by Donald Trump’s Immigrant Comments
By Alan Rappeport

Washington Post: Trump says fans are ‘very passionate’ after hearing one of them allegedly assaulted Hispanic man
By Justin Moyer

Mother Jones: 2 Brothers Inspired by Donald Trump Allegedly Attack Homeless Hispanic Man
By Inae Oh

Time: The Republican 2016 Field Takes a Hard Right on Immigration
By Phillip Elliot

Wall Street Journal: Birthright Citizenship, by the Numbers
By Aaron Zitner

NBC News: GOP’s Turmoil Raises Questions for Candidates Born to Immigrants
By Carrie Dann

Washington Post: Rand Paul explains why he wants to stop ‘birthright citizenship’
By Dave Weigel

Washington Post: Marco Rubio asked about ‘anchor babies,’ responds with ‘human beings’
By Sean Sullivan

Wall Street Journal: Scott Walker’s Immigration Shift Is His Latest Tack to Right
By Reid Epstein

Politico: Rick Santorum rips Ted Cruz, Scott Walker as soft on immigration
By Brianna Ehley

NBCNews: Rick Santorum Wants Credit for GOP Immigration Ideas
By Andrew Rafferty

MSNBC: Rick Santorum carries the torch against legal immigration
By Amanda Sakuma

The Hill: Dem ads hit GOP over birthright citizenship
By Jonathan Easley

National Journal: Asians Now Outpace Mexicans In Terms of Undocumented Growth
By J. Weston Phippen

Roll Call: Immigration Could Get Push From Pope Francis
By Emily Wilkins

Wall Street Journal (Editorial): Born in the U.S.A.

Washington Post (Opinion): Conservatives should stay far away from Trump’s ethnic polarization
By Michael Gerson

Boston Globe (Opinion): When the spread of hate hits home
By Adrian Walker

Fox News Latino (Op-Ed): 2016 candidates need realistic immigration plans
By Ali Noorani

Washington Post (The Fix): Is ‘anchor baby’ a derogatory term? A history of the debate.
By Amber Phillips

Washington Post (The Fix): The myth of the ‘anchor baby’ deportation defense
By Janell Ross

Washington Post (The Fix): How many American children are ‘birthright’ citizens born to illegal immigrants?
By Philip Bump

The Hill (Op-Ed): Trump’s mass deportation plan symbolizes American greatness?
By Alvaro Huerta

Bloomberg View (Opinion): Donald Trump: Immigration Sage?
By Ramesh Ponnuru

Washington Post (Op-Ed): The Immigration Swamp
By Charles Krauthammer

Washington Post (Right Turn): Right-wingers deny constitutional reality
By Jennifer Rubin

US News & World Report: Immigration Is the New Obamacare
By Susan Milligan

The Federalist (Opinion): Are Republicans For Freedom Or White Identity Politics?
By Ben Domenech

The Hill (Op-Ed): How Trump could change birthright citizenship
By Jon Feere

En español:

Trump: Ahuyentando el voto latino
Por Maribel Hastings

Donald Trump le gana a Hillary Clinton en Florida (Video)

Precandidatos republicanos sacan de nuevo a relucir el término ‘bebé ancla’ (Video)

Bush no se retracta de decir ‘bebés ancla’, congresista le llama sinvergüenza

Acusa Hillary Clinton a Jeb de insultar a inmigrantes indocumentados

El inmigrante empleado de Trump que le plantó cara al republicano

Piden a precandidatos devolver dinero de campañas pasadas donado por Trump

Trump se fotografía para Time con un águila calva, símbolo nacional de EEUU

Donald Trump y Jeb Bush miden fuerzas en New Hampshire

Otro republicano intenta ser más duro que Trump con los inmigrantes

Radiografía del plan migratorio de Rick Santorum

Promueven nacionalización de inmigrantes para comicios de 2016

La ventaja de Clinton  entre los candidatos demócratas se acorta

Rubio promueve plan económico en Detroit

Juanes considera que si Trump es presidente sería ‘la cosa más loca del mundo’

Los interrogantes amenazan a Clinton

Peatones necesitarán pasaporte para cruzar la frontera a México

El calor no detiene a los inmigrantes hacia EEUU

México condena ataque a indigente en EEUU y pide valorar aporte de migrantes

Detienen en la frontera EEUU-México a miliciano fuertemente armado

Activistas protestan contra ICE por muerte de mexicano en centros de detención

Pocos se acogen al nuevo programa para menores centroamericanos

Requisitos para mexicanos que podrían volver a EEUU tras firmar deportación voluntaria en California

Todo lo que necesitas saber acerca del nuevo beneficio migratorio

No habrá ‘santuario’ para indocumentados que cometan crímenes graves

¡El colmo! Guardia de seguridad grabado exigiendo ‘green card’

Buscan a hispanos para cobrar sueldo no pagado (Video)

Activista mexicana recibe permiso de trabajo

El efecto del valor del dólar en las remesas (Video)

Niños hispanos le cantarán al papa Francisco durante su visita a Nueva York (Video)