David Allen Boileau kept saying, “the U.S. needs to get rid of all of them,” meaning Middle Easterners, according to police, but for the time being he was focused on getting rid of the neighbors.
The neighbors were an Iraqi family, four children and their mother. They had lived in their neighborhood in Holiday, Fla., longer than Boileau had, said Pasco County Sheriff Chris Nocco. But the 58-year-old seemed to be on a mission to force them out, going to new heights this week, Nocco said.
First, on Monday, he threw screws and nails at a vehicle pulling out of the family’s driveway, apparently in hopes of damaging the car or flattening the tires, according to a police report. “We’ll get rid of them one way or another,” he said during the incident, according to witnesses cited by the Pasco County Sheriff’s Office.
Then, on Tuesday, he burglarized their home, according to the police report.
When the cops arrived, called to the home by a watchful neighbor, Boileau said about the family: “They don’t belong here.”
“If [I don’t] get rid of them,” Boileau said, according to the police report, “Trump will handle it.”