TEXAS GOV. GREG ABBOTT’S BORDER CRUELTY HITS NEW LOW The extreme cruelty by Texas authorities at the border came to light this week in a Houston Chronicle story detailing a horrendous whistleblower account of moms and children caught in barbed wire, kids being pushed back into the Rio Grande, and migrants... Continue »
AMERICANS CONTINUE TO SAY IMMIGRATION IS A GOOD THING FOR U.S. America’s Voice has tracked the Gallup poll’s findings on immigration issues for years and the latest edition this week showed that on the threshold question of whether immigration is a “good thing” for the nation, Americans firmly believe immigration is... Continue »
GOP 2024 PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY IS RACE TO THE BOTTOM ON IMMIGRATION Indicted former President Donald Trump and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis are currently in a battle over who can be the worst on immigration. But even as both have unveiled cruel and extreme proposals, America’s Voice Political Director Zachary... Continue »
DESANTIS’ IMMIGRATION VISION IS CRUEL AND DANGEROUS Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’s border speech this week made white nationalist “invasion” rhetoric the centerpiece of his campaign’s immigration rollout, as also noted by Julio Ricardo Varela at MSNBC, Boston Globe columnist Marcela García, and Washington Post columnist Greg Sargent. “It is hard to overstate the dangerous implications... Continue »
TIME FOR DESANTIS TO FACE SOME TOUGH QUESTIONS ON HIS LEGACY Even before Florida’s anti-immigration law goes fully into effect on July 1, evidence mounts about the costs and consequences to the state. Gov. Ron DeSantis, who demanded the bill to bolster his extremist credentials and is going to... Continue »