tags: Press Releases

Vanessa Cárdenas Reacts to News of Family Separation Settlement

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Washington, DC – The following is a statement from Vanessa Cárdenas, Executive Director of America’s Voice, reacting to today’s news that the Biden Administration has reached a settlement with families separated under the policies of Donald Trump and Stephen Miller:

“Donald Trump’s family separation policy and practice was anathema to our values and generated national and international outrage, including bipartisan condemnation in the U.S. and a collective pledge that our nation was better than this. 

Today’s news is a step toward healing and justice for the affected families, whose lives have been permanently altered by the trauma. It’s also a recognition and reminder that our government can still do the right thing, accept its responsibilities, and deliver on its promises for these affected families. We thank the tireless legal teams and advocates who led the way for accountability and the Biden administration for standing up for what is right and following through on its commitments. And we extend our thoughts to the affected families and individuals who are still in need of counseling, healing, and reunification. We hope that today’s news is a step towards long-awaited stability and safety.

As right-wing candidates and lawmakers continue to attempt to whitewash the Trump legacy of cruelty and failure and embrace the Trump legacy on immigration as a ‘success’ or something to be emulated, today’s news is an important reminder to the contrary and why the humanity in all of us must remain front and center in policymaking.”