SPLC Hatewatch’s latest release detailing White House advisor Stephen Miller’s role in advancing and espousing white nationalist theories include new emails to Breitbart that demonstrate Miller’s animus toward Dreamers and DACA and a forward of a disturbing article endorsing mass deportation by shipping out undocumented immigrants by trains to “scare people who want to undo our country.”
The latest batch of emails released again underscore Miller’s role in advancing ugly fringe theories, highlight his motivations in advancing anti-immigrant policies, and should again undercut false reassurances being peddled in regards to the futures of Dreamers in this country. Chief Justice John Roberts, in the oral arguments when the DACA case was argued before the Supreme Court incredibly “assures” that “the Trump administration, like the Obama administration before it, ‘said they’re not going to deport people.’”
Stephen Miller’s deep and lengthy antipathy towards DACA and Dreamers makes the Chief Justice’s charitable assessment of the Trump administration seem naive. Indeed, a CNN investigation contradicts Roberts’ view with news that ICE began last year asking immigration courts to reopen closed deportation cases against DACA recipients who continue to have no criminal record, further emphasizing the vast immeasurable power and control Miller holds over the highest of court.
In emails to Breitbart News leaked to SPLC’s Hatewatch, Miller said DACA recipients would contribute to altering the country’s demographics by replacing Americans born in the United States. White nationalists often promote the idea of the “great replacement” in their propaganda. Manifestos linked to terror suspects have cited this idea to justify acts of violence. Miller’s emails follow this same pattern. In one email he said:
“Demanding DREAMers be given citizenship because they ‘know no other home.’ That principle is an endorsement of perpetual birthright citizenship for the foreign-born,” Miller wrote in the email, using a term to describe DACA recipients. “Not only will the U.S.-born children of future illegal immigrants and guest workers be made automatic U.S. citizens, but their foreign-born children will too.”
Clearly, Americanness is a matter of race and the nationality of the parents, as far as Miller is concerned.
The latest SPLC release also reveals that Miller forwarded and therefore tacitly endorsed the notion of mass deportation by train – a disturbing image with echoes of some of the darkest chapters of the 20th century.
… In a November 2015 email that Hatewatch has not previously published, Miller forwarded an interview with Phyllis Schlafly from far-right conspiracy website WorldNetDaily that argued undocumented immigrants should be shipped out on trains to “scare out the people who want to undo our country.”
You can also read Newsweek’s article on Miller’s emails here: Stephen Miller Shared Idea of Shipping Undocumented Immigrants Out of the U.S. on Trains as a Scare Tactic, Leaked Breitbart Emails Reveal.