For a recording of today’s call, click here.
On Wednesday, leaders from the National Board of Hispanic Caucus Chairs (BHCC) held a press call speaking out against the discriminatory SB4 law in Texas, set to go into effect on September 1st. SB4 is a draconian “show me your papers” bill that would allow local law enforcement officials to ask people about their immigration status.
The BHCC is comprised of Latino elected state legislators serving in leadership across 25 states. Last week, the BHCC voted to stand in solidarity with Texas to oppose the discriminatory law also known as SB4 and say “Not In My State!”
For a recording of today’s call, click here.
FL Sen. Rene Garcia (R), BHCC President, said:
Texas’ SB4 and similar legislative initiatives provide no positive effects for our states and only serves to spread fear and uncertainty among our immigrant communities. As a country rooted in the immigrant spirit and made great by the countless contributions of waves of immigrants over our country’s history, we should not lose sight of this for the sake of political expediency.
TX State Rep. Mary Gonzalez (D), said:
Laws based on bigotry can never deliver on their promises. SB4 will worsen public safety, not improve it. Crimes will go unreported, not prevented. First Amendment protections will be ignored. These facts are self-evident, and are why opposition to SB4 has grown universally among business leaders, faith groups, and lawmakers from across the country.
AZ Sen. Martín Quezada (D), said:
As an organization representing legislative leadership in more than two-dozen states and territories, it is critical that the Board of Hispanic Caucus Chairs stands strong with all of its sister caucuses. In Arizona, we have seen firsthand the disastrous effects that discriminatory policies like SB4 can have on a state’s economy and public safety. I’m proud to join my Texas colleagues in opposition to this measure.
Delia Garcia, BHCC National Business Adv. Council Chair, said:
BHCC stands in solidarity with Texas and our Mexican American Legislative Caucus members to protect public safety in our community. We will continue to raise awareness on how SB4 is not good for America, and thank America’s Voice in partnering with us. Please find more information on resources and upcoming activities around this on our website