**America’s Voice Telephonic Press Conference, Wed. January 28th**
Memo on Pre-Election Polling in Swing Districts:
Backgrounder on Numbers USA, FAIR, and Center for Immigration Studies:
America’s Voice Memo to Congress Summarizing AV Election Analysis:
America’s Majority Report on the End of the Wedge Strategy on Immigration
(not an America’s Voice publication):
Washington, DC – Following the 2008 elections, notable Republican
strategists and politicians such as John McCain and Karl Rove stated
that Republicans must change their approach to immigration policy in
order to rehabilitate their tarnished brand among Latino voters.
However, anti-immigrant leaders have crafted an alternate view of
reality that they are pitching to the GOP. They will unveil their
strategy at an event this Thursday at the National Press Club.
On Wednesday, January 28th at 1:30 PM, leading immigration and political
analysts Andres Ramirez of NDN, Frank Sharry of America’s Voice, and
Clarissa Martinez of NCLR will join a telephonic conference call to
discuss the results of the 2008 elections and what they mean for the
Republican Party’s strategy on immigration reform and outreach to
Latino voters. They will be joined by Heidi Beirich of the Southern
Poverty Law Center, who will share her research about the organizations
and panelists planning an anti-immigration event at the National Press
Club on Thursday. The Thursday event, entitled “Immigration and Future
of the Republican Party,” will feature the virulently anti-immigration
views of political commentators Bay Buchanan and James Pinkerton, and
extremists Peter Brimelow and Marcus Epstein.
In order to set the
stage for Thursday’s event, we thought we would offer some facts and
some analysis relevant to one of the most important demographic and
electoral dynamics in American politics.
WHAT: Experts to Discuss GOP
Immigration Strategy, Extremists’ Claims About Immigration in 2008 Cycle
Heidi Beirich,
Director of Research and Special Projects, Intelligence Project of
SPLCClarissa Martinez,
of Immigration and National Campaigns, NCLRAndres Ramirez, Vice President of
Hispanic Programs, NDNFrank Sharry, Executive
Director, America’s Voice
WHEN: Wednesday
January 28th at 1:30 PM Eastern
For more information, please contact Paco Fabián at (202) 412-9969, pfabian@americasvoiceonline.org.