The following is a statement from Vanessa Cárdenas, Executive Director of America’s Voice, reacting to the latest reports on policies on the table during supplemental funding negotiations:
“Giving in to Republicans’ demands and adopting Trump-Miller policies is an extreme and unnecessary move and amounts to both policy and political malpractice. Advancing these draconian proposals will not get the Biden administration any credit from the GOP and it might not even get them the aid the President so desperately wants and Ukraine so desperately needs. It will, however, dampen enthusiasm among key voters, including young voters, progressives, Latinos, APIA voters and others. Worse, it will not reduce disorder at the border and will likely increase the chaos and the cruelty. If reports are true, this is a flat-out dumb path for the White House and Democratic leaders to travel and they should immediately abandon it. Democrats need to lead and work towards long lasting solutions on immigration via regular order and addressing the full set of policies that constitute real reform rather than giving in to Republicans’ demands.”