Wednesday, October 17
- Lucia Fraire, Field Director of Voter Program, Ole New Mexico
- Rafael Martinez, DREAMer and PHD student in American Studies
- Gabriel Sanchez, Associate Professor of Political Science, University of New Mexico and Director of Research for Latino Decisions
- Christine Sierra, Professor of Political Science, University of New Mexico and Director, Southwest Hispanic Research Institute
Click here to see brand-new New Mexico polling released.
Polling summary:
30% | The percentage of New Mexico Latino voters who rank immigration as a top issue that Congress and the President should address (second to only the economy at 47%) |
79% | Percentage of New Mexico Latino voters who say that immigration as a topic is important to their voting decision |
67% | Obama approval rating among New Mexico Latino voters |
69% | Percentage of New Mexico Latino voters who support Obama’s reelection, compared to 24% supporting Romney |
57% | Percentage of New Mexico Latino voters who support Democratic Senatorial candidate Martin Heinrich, compared to 24% supporting Republican Heather Wilson |
46% | Percentage of New Mexico Latino voters who say that President Obama’s deferred action policy makes them more enthusiastic about Obama |
46% | Percentage of New Mexico Latino voters who say that Mitt Romney’s support of self-deportation and harsh anti-immigrant laws makes them less enthusiastic about Romney |
58% | Percentage of New Mexico Latino voters who say they know someone who is an undocumented immigrant |
47% | Percentage of New Mexico Latino voters who say they know a DREAMer |
80% | Percentage of New Mexico Latino voters who say they are enthusiastic about voting in November |
Watch the video recording of the panel discussion here: